gidan uncle hausa novel complete

Gidan uncle hausa novel complete 

Gidan Uncle hausa novel complete" is a touching and emotional story that delves into the life of a young girl named Fatima, who faces hardship and adversity after the loss of her mother. The narrative beautifully captures the struggles and resilience of Fatima as she navigates life with her uncle Kabir and his kind-hearted wife, Maimuna.

The story begins with a glimpse of the joyful moments shared by Fatima and her cousin Aliya, highlighting the innocence and happiness of childhood. However, the tone shifts as Fatima recounts the cruelty she endured at the hands of her stepmother, Anti Hafsa. The turning point comes when Fatima's father discovers the mistreatment and decides to send Fatima to live with her uncle Kabir.

Uncle Kabir and his wife provide a loving and nurturing environment for Fatima, treating her as their own daughter. The story takes a dramatic turn when Uncle Kabir is kidnapped by bandits, leading to a series of harrowing events. The narrative vividly describes the fear and uncertainty faced by the family as they await news of Uncle Kabir's fate.

Despite the challenges, the story is ultimately one of hope and resilience. Uncle Kabir's daring escape from the kidnappers and his eventual return home bring a sense of relief and joy to the family. The story concludes with Fatima expressing her deep bond with her new family and her reluctance to leave them.

Overall, "Gidan Uncle" is a compelling tale of love, family, and the strength of the human spirit. It highlights the importance of kindness and compassion in overcoming adversity and finding happiness.

English Version

Gidan uncle hausa novel complete (part 1)

The children were playing joyfully and happily. Then Uncle Kabir entered the house. He looked at them and smiled, then said, "Aliya, are you playing?" "Yes, father," she replied. Fatima also said, "Welcome, father." "Thank you, Fatima. How is the play?" Aliya and Fatima_laughed and_continued their_play.

That’s Aliya and Fatima, Fatima is my uncle's daughter, Kabir, and I am his younger sister’s child. It's been two years since I’ve been living at Uncle’s house. Since my mother passed away, I’ve been living in misery due to my stepmother, Aunt Hafsa, who mistreated me and didn’t like me at all. She didn’t even feed me, but when my father was around, she pretended to treat me well. But as soon as my father left for work, she resumed mistreating me.

I had to do everything for her. Every day, she made me do the laundry, even though I was barely ten years old. One day, my father returned early from work and found me washing a pile of Aunt Hafsa's clothes.

When I saw him, I felt happy. He_asked, “why are you doing_laundry?” I remained silent and didn’t answer. He just walked into the living room, where he found Aunt Hafsa eating from a large plate of food and sweating profusely. Meanwhile, I was left outside doing her chores. My father was angry and said, “Hafsa, out of cruelty, you left the little girl outside washing your clothes, while you are here eating food bought by her father?” They started arguing, and my father eventually told her to leave and divorced her. So Aunt Hafsa packed her things and left. A few days later, my father took me to Uncle Kabir’s house.

gidan uncle hausa novel complete
Gidan uncle hausa novel complete 1

Uncle Kabir’s wife was very kind. She did everything a mother would do for her child. She treated me like her own daughter. Uncle Kabir’s wife, Aunt Maimuna, had one daughter named Aliya. We did everything together—school, clothing, and everything else. Uncle Kabir was a modest man, and they lived a simple life.

One day, Uncle Kabir woke us up early to pray. After we got ready, he took us to school, then left for Abuja to do some work.

Uncle Kabir worked as a painter, and he was very skilled at drawing, which is why wealthy people often asked him to paint their houses. He had two helpers, Sani and Jamilu. After arriving in Abuja, they went straight to the house where they were supposed to work and spent the night there. The next morning, they started their work, and after a few days, they were paid. They then set off to return home.

Gidan uncle hausa novel complete (part 2)

On their way, they encountered kidnappers, who captured them. These kidnappers were ignorant Fulani men from the bush, known for being ruthless. After three days, Aunt Maimuna started calling Uncle Kabir, but his phone was switched off. She kept trying, but it was always off. This made her worried, so she informed my father.

My father also tried calling Uncle Kabir, but there was no answer. They started going around to relatives’ houses, hoping someone might have heard from him. Eventually, they reached one of Uncle Kabir’s colleagues, who said that he had last spoken to him when they were on their way from Abuja to Kano. He assumed Uncle Kabir had already returned home, but his wife said he hadn’t.

The entire family was distressed because Uncle Kabir hadn’t returned home.

gidan uncle hausa novel complete
Gidan uncle hausa novel complete 2

As for Uncle Kabir and the others, after they were captured, the kidnappers took them to a remote forest, where they were tortured. For two days, they hadn’t eaten properly or had any water. There were many of them, and the kidnappers were even abusing the women among them. The leader of the kidnappers, Jallo, was a cruel and ignorant man who didn’t even know how to operate a radio. The kidnappers refused to contact the families to ask for ransom. Instead, they were more interested in abusing the women.

On the third night, the news broke that some days ago, kidnappers had captured some travelers on the road from Abuja to Kano. This confirmed to our family that Uncle Kabir was among those captured. Aunt Maimuna fainted three times after hearing the news about her husband.

We cried every day, praying for Uncle Kabir’s safe return. Jallo, the leader of the kidnappers, decided to separate the men from the women. Uncle Kabir and Jamilu were taken to an old hut, while Sani was taken to another place.

Gidan uncle hausa novel complete (last part)

At home, more and more people came to offer condolences, and Aunt Maimuna would cry whenever someone mentioned her husband.

Back in the forest, Uncle Kabir and Jamilu were planning to escape. Because the kidnappers had separated the captives, security had weakened. Most of the kidnappers had gone off to abuse the women, leaving only a few behind. This gave Uncle Kabir and Jamilu the chance to execute their plan. They first went to Sani’s hut to gather him, so they could all escape together.

By God’s grace, their plan worked. Uncle Kabir sneaked out to Sani’s hut, explained the situation, and returned safely. At dawn, Uncle Kabir, Jamilu, and Sani made their escape. While running through the forest, one of the kidnappers spotted their footprints and raised an alarm. The kidnappers chased them with motorcycles and cars, shooting at them.

By God’s will, they found refuge in a dark cave. The kidnappers searched for them but couldn’t find them, so they stayed in the cave overnight. The next morning, when they felt it was safe, they resumed their journey. However, the kidnappers were still searching the forest for them.

Uncle Kabir and his companions ran again. As they were running, the kidnappers spotted them and gave chase. They continued running and managed to lose the kidnappers. Injured and bleeding, they kept moving until they stumbled upon a Fulani settlement. The Fulani people took care of them for about ten days, treating their injuries. After they recovered, they continued their journey to Kano.

gidan uncle hausa novel complete
Gidan uncle hausa novel complete last 

Back at Uncle Kabir’s house, the family was still grieving, and there was no news of his whereabouts.

When they reached the main road, they were able to hitch a ride in a truck headed towards Kano. In the middle of the night, around 1 a.m., Uncle Kabir knocked on the door. At the time, Aliya and I were fast asleep.

Aunt Maimuna, who had been praying for her husband, heard the knock and ran to the door. “Who is it?” she asked, her voice trembling. “It’s your husband, Maimuna,” he replied. Upon hearing his voice, she broke into tears and opened the door. They embraced, crying together.

They entered the house, and their sobbing woke me up. When I saw Uncle Kabir, I too started crying and hugged him. We woke Aliya up, and joy filled the house again. People came to celebrate with us, including my father, who had spent the night at Uncle Kabir’s house.

Our lives returned to happiness, and we resumed going to school. Time passed, and we grew up in Uncle Kabir’s house. My father eventually remarried and asked me to return home, but I told him I didn’t want to leave Uncle Kabir’s house because I couldn’t bear to be separated from my sister, Aliya. My father didn’t force me, and he allowed me to stay.

Hausa Version

Gidan uncle hausa novel complete part 1

Yara ne ke wasa cikin nishadi da annashuwa. Saiga shigowar uncle Kabir cikin gida. Ya kallesu yayi murmushi sannan yace Aliya wasa ake, eh "baba". Fatima ma sai tace "baba" sannu da zuwa, yauwa Fatima ya wasa? Aliya da Fatima suka yi dariya sannan suka cigaba da wasansu.

Aliya da Fatima kenan, Fatima diyar uncle ɗina ce Kabir, ni kuma yar ƙanwarsa ce. Yau shekarata biyu a gidan uncle. Tunda mamana ta rasu na shiga maraici sakamakon kishiyar mamana Anti Hafsa wacce take tsangwamata bata sona kwata kwata, abinci ma bata bani amma idan babana yana nan sai kaga tana kyautata min. Amma da zarar babana ya fita wajen aiki sai ta cigaba da tsangwamata. 

Komai ni nake yi mata, kullum sai ta sani wanki gashi ko shekara goma banyi ba. Wata rana babana ya dawo daga wajen aiki da wuri sai ya tarar dani ina wanke wasu kaya masu yawa na anti Hafsa. 

Ina ganinsa na shiga farin ciki yace Fatima wai ya saki wanki? nayi shiru ban bashi amsa ba, sai kawai ya wuce cikin falo, da shigarsa ya tarar da anti Hafsa ta zubo abinci ta cika wani katon faranti tana ci duk tayi gumi. Ni kuma ta barni a waje ina yi mata bauta, zan shi ya ɓaci yace "Yanzu Hafsa saboda zalunci ki bar yarinya a waje tana miki wanki ke kuma kizo nan kina cin abincin da ubanta ne ya kawo" nan suka hau faɗa, baba yace ta tafi gidansu ya saketa. Haka anti Hafsa ta haɗa kayanta ta tafi gidansu ni kuma bayan yan kwanaki ya dawo dani gidan uncle Kabir. 

gidan uncle hausa novel complete
Gidan uncle hausa novel complete farko

Matar uncle Kabir tanada kirki sosai, domin duk abinda uwa zata yiwa yarta tana yimin dai dai gwargwado. Matar uncle Kabir anti Maimuna ɗiyarta daya wato Aliya komai tare ake yi mana, kama daga makaranta, kayan sawa da komai daka sani. Kawai Kabir yanada rufin asiri dai dai kwarkwado. 

Wata rana muna cikin gida da safe, kawu ya tashe mu daga bacci muyi Sallah. Bayan mun kimtsa mun shirya ya tafi damu makaranta inda shi kuma ya wuce Abuja domin yin wani aiki. 

Kawu Kabir yana aikin fenti ne, kuma ya iya zane sosai, shiyasa ake yawan neman shi gidajen masu kuɗi yazo ya musu fenti. Yanada yara masu taimaka masa Sani da Jamilu. Bayan sun shiga Abuja kai tsaye suka wuce gidan da zasu yi aiki suka kwana anan da safe suka soma aiki, bayan kamar kwana biyu aka biya su kuɗin aikinsu suka kama hanyar komawa gida. 

Gidan uncle hausa novel complete part 2

Akan hanya suka hadu da kidnappers, suka kama su duka, wannan masu garkuwa da mutane kuwa wasu jahilan fulanin jeji ne, basu da hankali domin abu kadan zasu iya kashe mutum. Bayan kamar kwana na uku Anti Maimuna ta dinga kiran wayar mijinta amma switch off, haka ta cigaba da gwadawa amma waya a rufe. Nan fa hankalinta ya tashi ta kira babana ta gaya masa. 

Babana shima ya gwada kiran uncle Kabir amma shiru, haka suka dinga yawo suna zuwa gidajen dangi ko akwai sukai waya da uncle Kabir amma. Suka kira abokan aikinsa, sai aka samu wani abokin aikin kawu Kabir, yace wallahi sunyi waya dashi lokacin da suka kamo hanyar Abuja zuwa Kano. harma yake cewa ai yayi tsammanin har ya dawo matarsa tace wallahi bai dawo ba. Hankalin gaba daya danginmu ya tashi domin kawu Kabir bai dawo gida ba. 

Al'amarin su uncle Kabir kuwa lokacin da wannan masu garkuwa suka kama su sai suka dasu wani mugun jeji inda suka dinga ganawa wasu azaba, saida sukai kwana biyu ba wanda yaci abincin kirki balle ruwan sha. Gashi suna da yawa, haka wannan masu garkuwa suke kama matan cikinsu su sadu dasu wasu kuma suyi musu fyade ta karfi. 

Gidan uncle hausa novel complete last part 

Akwai wani waishi Jallo shine shugabansu kuma bashi da kirki, gashi mugun jahili domin ko rediyo be iya kunnawa ba, haka su uncle Kabir suka cigaba da shan wahala. Masu garkuwan sunƙi kiran dangin kowa balle su nemi kuɗin fansa. Kawai abinda suke saduwa da matan mutane. 

Cikin daren kwana na uku, aka sanar a kafafen yaɗa labarai cewa kwanaki biyu da suka wuce wasu masu garkuwa da mutane sunyi garkuwa da mutanen da suka kamo hanyar Abuja zuwa Kano, nan fa dangina suka tabbatar da cewa uncle Kabir na cikin wannan mota. Anti Maimuna tayi suma yakai uku saboda mijinta. 

Haka muka dinga kuka kullum kuma muna addu'a da fatan Allah ya dawo mana da uncle Kabir lafiya. Jallo shugaban masu garkuwa yasa aka rarraba mutanen da aka kama zuwa wurare daban daban, inda aka raba maza da mata, kawu Kabir, Jamilu aka kaisu wata tsohuwar bukka aka tsare su shi kuma Sani aka kaishi can wata daban.

Yayinda gidan uncle Kabir ke ƙara cika da masu zuwa jaje, haka ke ƙara kukan Anti Maimuna domin duk lokacin da wani yayi mata jajen mijinta sai kaga tana hawaye, halin  gidan uncle kenan.

Can su Uncle da Jamilu sun gama shirin zasu gudu da daddare domin wannan rarrabawar da aka musu sun samu sauƙin tsaro, wato wasu maƙwamusan suna tafiya domin saduwa da mata, sai abar kaɗan domin suyi gadinsu. Hakan ko ya basu dama suka yi planning shida Jamilu, wato zasu je bukkar su Sani su gudu tare.

Cikin ikon Allah wannan abu ya tafi yadda suka tsara, domin uncle Kabir har sanɗo yake ya fita daga inda ake tsare dasu yaje bukkar su Sani, ya gaya masa duk halin da ake ciki, kuma ya dawo lafiya ba tareda an samu matsala ba, da asubar uncle Kabir, Jamilu da Sani suka gudo, bayan sun danyi nisa wani kidnapper yana ɗan zazzagayawa yaga sawun takalmin mutane. Nan fa ya kwarma wani uban ƙara. Masu garkuwan nan suka biyo su, da babura da motoci haka aka suka dinga gudu cikin daji, su kuma suna biye dasu suna harbi.

Allah ya basu sa'a suka shiga wani kogon dutse, kidnappers ɗin suka shigo suka duba amma basu gansu ba, haka suka kwana cikin wannan kogon dutse mai duhu.  Da suka ji ba alamar wani motsi sai suka fito, ashe ba tafiya suka yi ba masu garkuwan. 

Sun rarraba mutanensu ne cikin jejin, nan fa uncle Kabir suka kama sabon gudu. Can a cikin wasu masu garkuwan suka hangosu daga nesa suna gudu aka ƙara binsu. Nan fa suka tsere a haka Allah yaba su uncle Kabir sa'a suka tserewa kidnappers ɗin nan.

Duk sunji raunuka a jikinsu kaca kaca da jini, amma duk da haka basu tsaya ba, a haka Allah ya hadasu da wata rugar Fulani suka taimakesu kwanansu wajen goma ana musu magani sannan suka kamo hanyar da zata maida su Kano.

Gidan uncle Kabir kullum mutane kara zuwa suke jaje, amma su uncle Kabir babu labarinsu ko daya. Bayan sun zo babban titi anan suka samu wata babbar mota ta rage musu hanya zuwa Kano. Da tsakiyar dare misalin ƙarfe ɗaya uncle Kabir ya bubbuga gida, a lokacin ni da Aliya duk munyi bacci. 

gidan uncle hausa novel complete
Gidan uncle hausa novel complete last 

Anti Maimuna kuwa tana sallar dare akan mijinta, tana kuka tana cikin sallar tana addu'a. Can sai ta jiyo ana kwankwasa kofa ta taho kofa da gudu tana zuwa wajen kofar gidan, cikin muryan kuka tace waye? yace nine mijinki Maimuna. Sai ta kara shiga sabon kuka dajin muryan uncle Kabir ta bude kofar suka rungume juna suna kuka. 

Suka shigo cikin gida kukan nasu ne ya tashe ni daga bacci naga uncle Kabir, nima na hau kuka na rungumeshi, muka tashi Aliya. Shikenan farin cikin gidan uncle ya dawo. mutane suka dinga zuwa taya mu farin ciki, musamman babana wanda a daren a gidan uncle Kabir ya kwana.

Yanzu rayuwarmu ta dawo cikin farinciki muka cigaba da zuwa makaranta, yanzu gashi har mun girma a gidan uncle Kabir. Babana yayi sabon aure yace na koma gida, na nuna masa banason barin gidan uncle Kabir, banason barin yar uwata Aliya. Shikenan ya rabu dani bai tilasta min ba.

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