Banfargaba complete hausa novel

Banfargaba complete hausa novel

BanFargaba by Umman Ashman is a captivating Hausa novel that dives into themes of family, relationships, and personal growth. The story centers around Yusrah, who faces emotional struggles, particularly dealing with her grandmother’s harsh judgment and her inner conflict over her relationship with Yusuf. The novel showcases intense family dynamics, love, and the pressures of societal expectations, making it relatable to many readers.

Umman Ashman masterfully blends drama and heartfelt moments, keeping readers engaged through every chapter. The characters are well-developed, and their interactions reflect real-life challenges. Banfargaba novel is a great read for those interested in stories that explore complex emotions within a culturally rich backdrop.


English Version

Banfargaba complete hausa novel part 1

"No, this girl is not a good person," all of them quickly turned around to see who was speaking. Unexpectedly, Yusrah made eye contact with her grandmother, and her heart sank. The intense look her grandmother gave her made her avert her gaze quickly before she could speak, "Grandma..." She was interrupted, "Shut up! Yusra, I don't want to hear another word from you. I am aware of everything going on, and I also know about all the comings and goings of Yusuf. I stayed silent on purpose.

And..." She turned to look at Minaty, sighed, and then left the room while muttering, "It's not your fault. It's your parents. Your father is always traveling, saying it's for business, and your mother is always driving around, saying she's going to the office. Hmm, they'll soon face the consequences of all that."

Yusrah held her head, saying, "Oh my God, what kind of meddlesome person is this woman? She doesn't have any other business in life but gossip." She finished her statement with an exasperated sigh, and Minaty moved closer, holding her hand, saying, "Just forget about it."

Yusrah gave her a fierce look and said, "I will stop respecting you and break our friendship if you keep pushing this. I don't like this conversation. It would be better for you to focus on yourself and what you have that I don't."

"So from today, don't bring me this nonsense talk again. You enjoy your life, so go and do your own thing, but leave me out of it. Grandma is right; you're no good, and it seems like you don't even understand yourself yet." This free Hausa novel complete continued.

Minaty stood up, gave a small smile, and said, "Alright, since you don't want it, I won't force the issue. I'll leave now." She threw the medicine at Yusrah before leaving. Yusrah stared at her as Minaty smiled again and walked out.

Yusrah barely managed to get up and go to the bathroom. She took a hot shower, but her stomach still hurt when she came out and sat on her bed. After only a few minutes, someone hugged her from behind. She turned to see who it was and screamed before collapsing to the floor.

Mimi gently patted her head, feeling a deep affection for her. She didn't know why, but she loved Yusrah dearly and couldn't stand to see her in pain. Yusrah, in a whiny voice, said, "Mimi, my stomach hurts, ouch!" Mimi quickly stroked her head with concern and said, "Oh baby, Yusrah, I offered to help you, but you refused. Why do you hate medicine? Now you're suffering because of it. What's wrong?"

Banfargaba complete hausa novel last

Yusrah stayed quiet, knowing her problem but refusing to admit it. She had been avoiding Yusuf for a long time despite his efforts to reconcile. Eventually, he gave up, and now they were completely distant.

Now, she's struggling with a strong need for a husband, which is why her stomach hurts. She glanced at Mimi and gave her a small smile, feeling affection.

Mimi quickly pulled her closer, stroking her hair, and asked, "Won't you do me this favor, baby?"

"Mimi, I swear-I-don't-know-what's-wrong-with me. I just keep the need for the help of my husband, but I don't know why..."

She finished her sentence while covering her face. Mimi looked at her in surprise, thinking, "Yusrah is admitting that she likes to lives with her husband?" She_thought for a while, smiled at her, but said_nothing, and then they moved to the room. She gave her some medicine and water. After drinking it, Yusrah lay down in Mimi's room, and Mimi closed the door.

Yusrah kept tossing and turning on the bed, feeling like the medicine had made her pain worse. She picked up her phone and went online, messaging Minaty on DM. Luckily, Minaty was online.

Yusrah: "Hello, my friend."

Minaty: "Hello, baby Yusuf."

Yusrah: "Tsk, Minaty, stop calling me that."

Minaty: "Oh! Sorry, dear. What happened? I see you online in the middle of the day. How are you feeling? I hope you're better."

Yusrah: "Honestly, my_friend, I'm_still_not better, even_after_taking_the_medicine."

"Alright-then, let_me_go_to_the_chemist_and buy_the_type_of_medicine_I_use_when_I_have stomach_pain." Minaty left to get the medicine for Yusrah.

After some time, Minaty arrived at Yusrah's house with the medicine. It worked perfectly, and Yusrah felt relief. They continued with their daily lives.

Hausa Version

Banfargaba complete hausa novel part 1

"a'a yarinyar nan ba alkhairi bace" Da sauri gaba dayansu suka juyo domin ganin mai magana ba zato ba tsammani Yusrah ta haɗa idanu da kakarta rasss! taji gabanta ya faɗi, wani irin kallo da kakar take jifanta dashi yasa ta ɗauke kanta da sauri sannan kuma tace. "Kaka....." Shuru tayi saboda katseta da tayi "Shut_up! Yusra banason jin wata magana daga gare ki duk abubuwan dake faruwa ina sane, haka zalika duk kaiwa da komowar da Yusufa yake ina sane nayi shiru ne kawai.

kuma". Juyawa_tayi_tana_kallon_Minaty_sai Kuma taja wani_tsaki_sannan_tayi_ficewarta tana_tafiya_tana_maganganu "duk_ni_banga laifinki_ba, na_mahaifanki_na_gani_shi_ubanki yana yawon bin kasashe Wai business itama kuma uwarki tana yawon mota Wai zuwa office Hmm zasu ga illar hakan ai".

Dafe kai Yusrah tayi tareda cewa "oh!! wayyo Allah wannan matar ban san wane irin kalar shisshigi ne da ita ba, kai gulma a rayuwa bata yi ba". Ta ƙarasa maganarta tareda jan wani dogon tsaki na haushi matsowa Minaty tayi kusa da ita tareda danne hannunta ki manta kawai.
Ban farga ba
Ban farga ba 1

Wata muguwar harara Yusrah tayi mata sannan tace "Zan cire mutuncin dake idona na cire maganar amintarmu nayi miki rashin mutunci Mina banason wannan maganar, zai fi kyau ki ƙarata da kayanki mai mai kike dashi wanda ni bani da ?"

Saboda haka daga yau karki ƙara zuwa_min da irin wannan maganar banzan taki keda kike jindaɗi sai kije kiyin tayin abinki amma banda ni, Dole kaka tace ba alkhairi bace naga alama kamar baki san ciwon kanki ba har yanzu. Haka wannan free hausa novels complete ya cigaba.

Banfargaba complete hausa novel part 2 

Tashi tsaye Minaty tayi tareda sakin wani guntun murmushi sannan tace "shikenan tunda yanzu bakya so ba lallai ba dole ga maganinki ni zan huce daman maganar tawa kenan" ta gama maganarta tareda jefawa yusra magani.. Yusrah ƙara kallanta tayi taga har zuwa yanzu Minaty kallonta take, nan ta jefa mata harara sannan ta dauki maganin, murmushi Minaty tayi a karo na biyu kafin ta fita.

Da kyar yusra ta iya mikewa tareda shiga banɗaki, tayi wanka sosai tareda gasa jikinta da ruwan ɗumi har yanzun mararta bata daina mata zafi ba tana fitowa daga toilet ta zauna bakin gadonta bata fi mintuna uku ba, taji an rumgumeta ta baya ta juyo domin ganin wacce ke bayan nata ya sata sakin ƙara tareda sulalewa a ƙasa .

Ban farga ba
Ban farga ba 2

Shafa kanta Mimi tayi har cikin ranta tana matukar jin ƙaunarta batasan meyasa ba, amma tana mugun son Yusra bata son bacin ranta cikin shagwaɓa yusrah tace "Mimi cikina ciwo yake washh! wayyyo!" da sauri Mimi ta shafa kanta cike da damuwa sannan tace "Haba baby Yusrah nace zan dubaki kin ki amincewa meyasa ke bakya kaunar magani ne gashi kuma sai fama kike da ciwo menene matsarki?"

Shiru tayi domin ita kaɗai tasan matsalarta gashi tsawon lokacin da taki yarda da Yusuf kwata-kwata ta kaurace masa yayi lallashin har ya gaji amma taki amincewa daga karshe fushi-ma yayi yanzu baya shiga sabgarta gaba ɗaya.

Gashi yanzun wani mugun bukatar taimakon Yusuf take  ga fama da ciwon ciki da take, a hankali ta kalli Mimi wani murmushi tayi mata tana kaunar maman nata sosai.

Banfargaba complete hausa novel last part 

Mikewa tayi cikin hanzari Mimi ta mayar da ita jikinta tana shafa gashin kanta "ba zaki yimin agana ba babyna?".
  "Wallahi mimi nima ban san matsalata ba kawai ina yawan jin bukatar miji ne ban san meyasa ba..."

Ta karasa maganar tareda rufe fuskarta, shiru Mimi tayi tana kallonta cike da mamaki, take ji Yusrah tawa ce take jin bukatar miji? saida tayi tunani mai ɗan tsayi sannan ta kalli Yusrah tareda yin murmushi bata ce komai ba, sannan ta kama hannunta suka wuce ɗalibta, ta dauko wani magani ta bata tareda ruwa bayan tasha sai ta kwanta a dakin Miminta tareda jawo mata kofar dakin.

Banfargaba complete hausa novel
Ban farga ba last 

Sai juye-juye take akan gadon ji take tamkar maganin daka bata an ƙara mata ciwon dake damunta ne, wayarta ta ɗauka sai online ta shiga DM ɗin Minaty tayi sa'a kuwa tana online .

Yusrah: "Salam ƙawata"

Minaty: "Waslm babyn Yusufa "

Yusrah:"Mitss Minaty bana son haka fa"

"Minaty: Ohh! sorry dear meya faru na ganki a online da rana tsaka haka, ya jikinki? Ina fatan da sauƙi"

Yusrah:" Wallahi_ƙawata_ba_sauƙi_har_magani nasha amma_wallahi_a_banza"

Shikenan abinda za'a yi bari naje chemist na siyo magani irin wanda nake sha idan ina ciwon ciki. Shikenan Minaty ta fita domin zuwa Chemist ta siyowa Yusrah magani.

Zuwa wani lokaci ta isa bayan ta siya ta kama hanyar gidan su yusrah, maganin yayi aiki yadda ake so domin kuwa yusrah ta samu sauki, suka cigaba da harkokin rayuwarsu.
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