Aymana hausa romantic novel part 1
Twenty-six years ago, at the time of Sadeeq and Mustapha's birth.
One day, on the day I went into labor in Bauchi town, I suffered intense pain, but there was neither delivery nor any sign of it, as if the baby was refusing to come out. Because of this, I was taken to the hospital's maternity ward.
At the same time I was brought in, there were other pregnant women who had also been taken to the labor room. I can say that I gave birth almost alongside one of the women there. Just one look at her and it was clear she wasn’t from a poor family, judging by the quality of her clothing.
By God’s will, I gave birth to twins, both boys. The other woman gave birth to a single baby boy.
That woman kept looking at my twins lying beside me, tears streaming down her face, though I didn’t understand why. I saw her pacing restlessly. This caught my attention, and I glanced around the room to find that all the nurses were focused on another woman in labor, whose condition appeared pitiable.
At that moment, no one around us had been told I had given birth. The woman approached me and then informed me that one of my twins had passed away and returned to his Creator.
I was deeply distressed because the love between a mother and her child is immense.
Aymana hausa romantic novel 1
The woman spoke to me, saying, “Dear sister, my newborn’s life is in great danger. That’s why I’m begging you, for the sake of God, to save his life before something terrible happens. One look at you, and I felt you are trustworthy. My heart accepted you. I am begging you, please, let us exchange our children—give me your baby who has passed away, and I will give you my son.”
I looked at her closely because she was crying bitterly and pleading. My heart broke for her, and compassion overtook me. As if under a spell, I didn’t argue. Instead, I took my dead child, prayed for him, and quickly handed him to her. We agreed she wouldn’t mistreat my baby’s body, and I vowed to care for her child until he turned thirty, as she requested.
Before leaving, she told me to name the boy Abubakar Sadeeq. Just as she was about to say more about herself, we saw a nurse approaching us. The nurse, smiling, took the baby from the woman and said, “Let me take him to your mother outside. She’s been disturbing everyone, demanding her grandchild by the window.”
The woman broke into tears, saying, “My child has now gone to my sister.” The grief on her face was clear. She held my hand, then left the room, repeatedly looking back at her crying child.
I took the baby, Abubakar Sadeeq, and embraced him, feeling pity and love for him in that moment.
Aymana hausa romantic novel part 2
Returning Home
After a short while, I was discharged from the hospital and returned home. When I told Abba what had happened, he scolded me harshly for making such a decision without consulting anyone. Eventually, he accepted the situation, and we agreed to keep it a secret between us.
The surprising part was that Abubakar Sadeeq refused to breastfeed, unlike his twin. Whenever we tried to force him, he would cry uncontrollably. So, we decided to give him goat’s milk, and by God’s grace, he drank it with ease.
On the naming day, we named the twins Mustapha and Abubakar Sadeeq.
The Hidden Secret
“This is the brief story of the secret we’ve kept hidden for so long, believing there was still time to share it,” Ammy said, bursting into fresh tears as if everything had just happened now.
Sadeeq, who was lying close to Ammy, began to tremble violently as though having a seizure. Ammy embraced him tightly, fresh tears streaming as she pitied the situation he was now in.
Aymana hausa romantic novel 2
Everyone in the room was in awe of God’s mysteries, realizing that life truly has no guarantees.
Aymana, on the other hand, couldn’t process her emotions as she watched Abubakar Sadeeq in his current state. She wanted to comfort him but couldn’t bring herself to do so out of shyness in front of her parents. Salifa let out a heavy sigh as she continued watching Sadeeq, who remained in Ammy’s embrace.
Everyone in the room felt deep sympathy for the family. Haydar and Musty helped Abubakar Sadeeq lie down on a three-seater couch in the sitting room, with his head resting on Ammy’s lap, as though trying to bury himself in her.
For a long while, no one spoke. Eventually, Abba broke the silence, saying sternly, “You may all leave now. But I swear, if this story leaks out of this house, there will be consequences. Do you all understand?”
They all nodded and replied, “Insha Allah.”
Just as they were about to leave, Anty knelt on the floor, grabbing Baba’s feet and crying regretfully over the harm she and Aymana had caused him.