Yar aikin hotel novel
Yar Aikin Hotel is a gripping Hausa novel that follows the life of Jalil, a young man, and his interactions with family and loved ones. The novel begins with Jalil's arrival at his aunt’s house, where he is warmly welcomed. The story explores his relationship with his brother Nazeem, who is in love with Feenart, a charming and well-mannered young woman. As Jalil spends time with his family, the bond between him and his brother deepens, while Nazeem’s love for Feenart flourishes.
Yar aikin hotel novel
The yar aikin hotel novel captures moments of joy, family connection, and romance, particularly highlighting the playful yet affectionate bond between Jalil and Nazeem. The story also delves into the developing love story between Nazeem and Feenart, as Nazeem plans to marry her, admiring her intelligence, obedience, and respectful nature.
Through its vivid depiction of love, family values, and societal expectations, "Yar Aikin Hotel" immerses readers in a heartwarming journey filled with tender moments, humor, and a sense of belonging. It reflects the importance of family ties and the joy found in simple, everyday interactions.
English Version
Yar aikin hotel part 1
As they parked the car, Jalil spotted his aunt waiting for them, which made him quickly get out of the car and head towards her. She hugged him, saying, "Welcome to our home, my lovely son, how was your_trip?"
"Very well, aunty. How are you all?" he asked, smiling at her. "We're fine, Alhamdulillah," she responded happily.
She took his hand, and they headed towards Nazeem's section, while Nazeem followed them from behind, carrying a trolley. The room next to Nazeem's, which had been locked, was opened for Jalil. It was well-prepared, and the fragrance coming from the room filled the space. His aunt prepared a bath for him, saying, "My son, take a bath and come to the living room before your father returns."
"Okay, aunty," he replied and went to the bathroom to bathe.
Even after his father had returned, Jalil had not yet come out. But once he finished bathing, he dressed in stylish, classy clothes. He found Nazeem in the living room, waiting for him, and together they went to meet their parents.
His father was very happy to see his nephew in the house. He personally led Jalil to the dining table, where his aunt served him food. They ate happily together.
Afterward, Jalil went back to his room to talk on the phone with Feenart. "My_love, please let me_come_tomorrow_during_the_day, it's already_late," Jalil_said.
Feenart replied, "I don't agree. You always come up with these excuses." "But my dear, it's 11 p.m. now."
She began to pretend to cry, but there were no actual tears on her face. "Okay, but will you come early?"
"Yes, by 2 p.m. if God wills," Jalil answered.
"Alright, may_God_bring_us_safely_together," she_said_happily.
Jalil looked at Nazeem, laughed, and threw a pillow at him. "You_play boy, you_have captured_someone's_daughter, and now_you are_drowning_her_in_love."
Nazeem laughed and said, "Baby, my brother wants to say hello to you."
"No, I will not greet him since he is the one stopping my love from coming. Maybe tomorrow, after he's washed himself."
"Okay, my bride, done deal. May God bring us safely together. Prepare to welcome an important guest."
She smiled, and they continued chatting for a while before saying goodbye.
Jalil looked at Nazeem and said, "Wow, you're not even embarrassed to show love in front of me?"
Nazeem laughed again and said, "Oh, I thought you were asleep."
Jalil picked up the remote beside him, pretending to throw it at Nazeem, but Nazeem quickly got up and ran to his room, laughing.
The next day...
It was Friday, and every Friday in Alhaji Muktar's family, they wore white clothes, a tradition that started when he was alive and continued after his passing.
Yar aikin hotel last
After the Friday prayer, the family of Alhaji Alkasim gathered in the living room, eating happily. After they finished, they greeted their father and headed to Nafeesat's house. There, Jalil learned the name of his brother Nazeem's girlfriend, but he didn't think much of it. They then went to Feenart's house. Jalil parked in an available spot and got out.
After answering his call, Feenart took a moment to fix herself up, sprayed perfume on her body, and draped a blue scarf that matched her blue and pink Swiss lace outfit. She looked stunning. Before stepping out, she called Sweetie, "Come with me."
Juwairiyya quickly got ready because she was eager to see Nazeem, and she even wondered why she always wanted to see him.
They both went to the car. Jalil refused to come out because he wanted them to enjoy the scent and love he was sharing with Feenart. Feenart asked Nazeem, "Where is your brother? Didn't you bring him?"
"He's in_the_car; the_man_is_quite_reserved."
"Well, call_him_so we_can_greet_him," she said_with_interest.
"Okay, since the princess asked," Nazeem replied, laughing.
Jalil answered Nazeem's call, but he didn't come out right away. After a while, they heard the car door open. His leg came out first, and then he stepped out gracefully, wiping his face with a handkerchief, hiding his face from them.
As he got closer to them, Jalil thought to himself that Nazeem's girlfriend was indeed beautiful. When he finally approached them and greeted them, Feenart happily responded, flashing her beautiful smile, and said, "Big brother, how are you?" He_replied that_he was_fine and asked_about_her home and_work. She_said everything_was_fine.
The three of them started chatting, and Nazeem joked, "Well, here you are, finally meeting the big brother." She smiled, saying, "Honestly, I'm so happy we finally got to meet."
Jalil gave them space to enjoy their time together and returned to the car to wait for Nazeem. To pass the time, he opened a news app and saw reports suggesting the president was not feeling well, to which he said, "May God grant him relief."
About an hour later, Nazeem returned. Jalil teased him, saying, "You're really enjoying yourself with that girl; she's totally in love with you." Nazeem responded, "Honestly, big brother, I love her too, and I want to marry her because Feenart is intelligent, respectful, and obedient. That's why I feel I can't be with anyone else."
"May she be your wife," Jalil said. Nazeem started the car, and they headed to the market. After doing a bit of shopping, they drove back home.
Hausa Version
Yar aikin hotel part 1
Da suka tsaya da motarsu, Jalil ya hango aunty dinsa tana jiransu, hakan yasa shi fitowa da sauri daga motar, ya nufi gareta da gaggawa. Ta_rungumeshi tana_fadin, "Oyoyo my_son, ya_hanya?"
"Lafiya lau aunty. Ya na same ku?" Ya tambaya, yana yi mata murmushi. "Lafiya Alhamdulillah," ta amsa da jindadi.
Ta kama hannunsa suka nufi bangaren Nazeem, shi kuma Nazeem ya biyo su daga baya dauke da trolley. Dakin kusa dana Nazeem wanda aka kulle, aka bude masa. Yasha gyara sosai, kamshin turaren dake fita daga dakin ya game ko'ina. Aunty ta hada masa ruwan wanka, tana cewa, "My son, kayi wanka ka fito falo kafin Abbanku ya dawo."
"Toh aunty," ya amsa sannan ya shiga toilet domin yin_wanka.
Har Abba ya dawo bai fito ba, amma bayan ya gama wanka, ya shirya cikin kaya yan kanti masu kyau. Ya tarar da Nazeem a falo yana jiransa. Tare suka nufi falo wajen iyayensu.
Abba yaji dadi sosai ganin ɗan dan'uwansa a gidansa. Da kansa ya kaishi kan teburin cin abinci. Aunty ce ta zuba masa abinci, suna ci cikin farinciki.
Daga nan Jalil ya koma daki yana waya da Feenart. "Haba my love, ki bari gobe da rana inzo, yanzu dare yayi," Jalil ya fada.
Daga bangaren Feenart tace, "Ni dai ban yarda ba, naki wannan wayon naka." "Haba masoyiya, kinga fa yanzu karfe 11pm."
Kukan shagwaba ta fara yi masa, amma ko alamar hawaye babu a fuskarta. "To naji, amma da wuri zaka zo?"
"Ehh, by 2pm in Allah ya so," Jalil ya amsa.
"Toh_Allah_ya_kaimu_lafiya," ta fada_cike_da jindadi.
Jalil ya kalli Nazeem da dariya sannan ya jefeshi da filon dake hannunsa. "Shegen-nan ka samu yarinyar mutane, sai ka kashe ta da soyayya."
Nazeem yayi dariya sannan yace, "Baby, ga dan uwana yana so ku gaisa."
"Ah ni_bazan_gaisa_dashi_ba_tunda_ya hana ka_zuwa, sai_dai_in_yazo_gobe_ya_wanke kansa."
"Toh my bride, an gama. Allah ya kaimu. Ki shirya tarban babban bako."
Murmushi tayi sannan suka dade suna hira kafin suyi sallama.
Jalil ya kalli Nazeem sannan yace, "Allah, yanzu baka da kunya yin soyayya har a gabana?"
Nazeem ya sake yin dariya, yana cewa, "Auuu, ashe kananan. Nayi tsammanin ka tashi ai."
Yar aikin hotel 1
Jalil ya dauki remote din kusa dashi yana kokarin kokarin jefawa Nazeem, sai dai Nazeem ya tashi da sauri yana dariya, ya nufi dakinsa.
Washe gari
Yau Jumma'a ce, kuma kowane ranar Jumma'a a iyalan Alhaji Muktar sukan sanya farar shadda ne, ka'ida ce tun yana raye har bayan rasuwarsa.
Bayan an kammala sallar Jumma'a, iyalan Alhaji Alkasim sun hallara a falonsa suna cin abinci cikin farinciki. Bayan sun gama ne suka yi sallama da Abba sannan suka nufi gidansu Nafeesat. Anan ne Jalil ya fara sanin sunan budurwar kaninsa Nazeem, amma be dauki komai ba a ransa. Sai suka nufi gidansu Feenart. Jalil yayi parking a available space sannan ya fito.
Bayan ta amsa kiransa, Feenart ta dan tsaya ta gyara jikinta, ta feshe jikinta da turare, sannan ta yafa gyalenta blue wanda yayi daidai da swiss lace din jikinta mai hadin blue da pink. Ba karamin kyau tayi ba. Kafin ta fita, ta kira Sweetie, "Zoki rakani."
Yar aikin hotel last
Juwairiyya ta shirya da sauri saboda tana son ganin Nazeem, har tana mamakin dalilin da yasa kullum take jin son ganinsa.
Sun fito dukkansu zuwa wurin motar. Jalil yaki fitowa saboda yana son su sha kamshi da soyayya da yake yi da Feenart. Feenart ta tambayi Nazeem, "Ina bro ne? Ko baku zo dashi ba?"
"Yana_cikin_motar, mutumin_fa_akwai miskilanci."
"Toh, kira mana shi mu gaisa," ta fada cike da sha'awa.
"Ok, tunda hakan princess tace, " Nazeem ya amsa yana dariya.
Jalil ya amsa kiran Nazeem, amma ba zai fito ba sai da suka dan jima suna hira kafin su ji an bude kofar motar. Kafarsa ta fara fitowa daga cikin motar, sannan ya fito da kyau yana goge fuskarsa da handkerchief, yana boye fuskarsa daga ganinsu sosai.
Yayinda ya matsa kusa dasu, sannan ya bude fuskarsa, Jalil yace a ransa gaskiya budurwar yaron nan ta haɗu. Yayinda yake ƙarasowa gamida yin sallama. Cike da farinciki feenert ta amsa, da wani guntun murmushinta mai kyau tace babban yaya ina wuni? ya amsa da lafiya, ya gida ya kuma aiki? yace wallahi lafiya.
Yar aikin hotel last
Nan suka soma hira su uku, Nazeem cewa yayi to yau gaki ga babban yaya, tayi murmushi. Hmm ai wallahi naji daɗi kuma munyi zumunci. Haka Jalil ya basu waje domin su sha soyayyarsu yadda suke so.
Ya koma mota domin jiran Nazeem, saboda ya ɗan rage lokaci ya buɗe wayarsa ya shiga shafin labarai inda yake ganin ana yaɗa jita jitar cewa shugaban baya jin daɗi, inda yace Allah ya sawaƙe.
Bayan kamar awa ɗaya saiga Nazeem ya dawo, Jalil cewa yayi wallahi yaron nan kana jindaɗi yarinyar nan tana sonka. Nazeem cewa yayi wallahi yaya nima ina sonta kuma inason na aureta saboda feenert akwai hankali gata da ladabi da biyayya shiyasa nake jin bazan iya zama da macen daba ita ba.
To Allah yasa matarka ce, cewar Jalil. Nazeem yaja mota suka kama hanyar kasuwa. Suka shiga suka ɗanyi siyayya sannan suka kama hanyar kowawa gida.