Sabbin romantic hausa novel

Sabbin romantic hausa novel 

Sabbin Romantic Hausa Novel by Boss Bature is a gripping tale that delves into family, love, and personal struggles, set against the backdrop of Hausa culture. The story begins with Abu Sufyan, a father determined to shield his newly discovered children from hardship after years of separation. His love and resolve to ensure a life of comfort for his children is a central theme, driving much of the emotional depth of the novel.

In the novel, we also encounter Hajiya Azeema and Gwaggon Katsina, whose humorous and dramatic interactions bring light-hearted moments to the story. The vivid portrayal of these characters adds richness, showcasing family dynamics and generational differences in Hausa society. The romantic angle is skillfully woven in through the relationships of characters like Sehrish, Harris, and Saude, who face challenges but are bound by love and family loyalty.

Boss Bature’s storytelling is immersive, blending romance, drama, and culture, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in Hausa novels. The characters are well-developed, and the plot is engaging, making it a delightful novel for fans of romantic fiction.

English Version

Sabbin romantic hausa novel part 1

Abu Sufyan smiled and said, "They will no longer suffer. I won't let that happen again. Now that these children have been identified as mine, with God's will, I will no longer let them do any work that will make them suffer. None of them will even lift a spoon anymore. I want them to live a life of ease and freedom like everyone else," he concluded, gazing at each of them with love and affection.

He withdrew his gaze from her before extending his hand to pick up a glass cup containing a cool drink. He sipped slowly as the drink slid down his throat. Gently, he closed his eyes and opened them slightly, letting them land on Sehrish for the third time. Hastily, she averted her eyes from his and focused them on her plate of food. (Excerpt from a new romantic Hausa novel.)

Sgr used his hand to grab a tissue and wiped his mouth before standing up and heading toward the staircase. Marshal also stood up, indicating he had finished his breakfast, and followed him up the stairs.

Just then, Hajiya Azeema emerged from her room, hearing Gwaggon Katsina's voice saying, "It's just her usual nonsense. Someone comes to a rich family's house, and they offer her a half-cup of tea and a slice of bread like she's some kind of street girl and expect her to drink it."

She walked, muttering with her wrapper in hand and wearing a style of headscarf that looked like a helmet. As_she_was_about to pass_Hajiya_Azeema, Azeema_cleared_her throat_and_called_her_name, "__Goggo!" With a scrunched-up face, she turned to look at Azeema. After a brief stare, Goggo said, "Azeema, I've been meaning to ask you something." Hajiya Azeema, now more attentive, responded, "I'm listening, Goggo."

"Yesterday, I had a dream. Abu Sufyan's children appeared—three very beautiful children. I started to wonder if this had really happened, but then I realized it was just a dream. How could it be true? When did Abu Sufyan ever get married?" she_asked, looking at Hajiya_Azeema, who_stood_in_disbelief.

Seeing Azeema stunned and silent made Goggo think that her words might have upset her. "I know you're surprised, too, because the dream felt so real. One of them even claimed they were the children of some woman named Zainab, and there was another woman in the story called Hajiya Ameena. If not for the devil, where would Abu Sufyan get children from?"

Hajiya Azeema was on the verge of bursting out laughing at Gwaggon Katsina's serious expression. Still, she held back her laughter and asked, "Goggo, are you sure you're taking your medicine? Where's Dr. Harris? I think you need to see him." Gwaggon Katsina made a short, irritated sound and replied, "That Harris is nothing but a scoundrel." Surprised, Azeema exclaimed, "Goggo, Harris is a scoundrel?"

Goggo clicked her tongue and said, "Am I lying? Isn't he my son? I've had such a hard time raising him, but that woman Saude…" She couldn't finish her sentence because tears overcame her. She lifted her wrapper to her eyes, trying to wipe away the small tears. Harris, who had just come out with Saude, overheard Gwaggon's words and quickly removed his hand from Saude's.

Sabbin romantic hausa novel part 2

Hajiya Azeema then asked, "Goggo, what has Harris done now?" Anxiously, Saude pleaded, "Ya Harris, please don’t let Goggo tell Hajiya what we've done. You know she's old-fashioned, and she always exaggerates things when she speaks." Dr. Harris reassured her, "Don't worry, God willing, she won't say anything."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Gwaggon Katsina said, "Azeema, it's really upsetting. But right now, I'm hungry, which is why you saw me muttering to myself. I'm going to that woman's place. I swear, if it’s Azmee or even Ramadan today, I'll insult her properly. She's trying to belittle me, bringing me half a cup of tea and a slice of bread early in the morning and expecting me to start with that! Does she think I'm some kind of monkey?"

Annoyed, Gwaggon said this, and both Harris and Saude burst into laughter. Gwaggon quickly turned, hearing them laugh, and her face grew stern when she saw Harris with Saude. Hajiya Azeema smiled and said, "Oh, Goggo, you misunderstood. She said to start with the tea before you come out for a full breakfast. It's already prepared, and they're just waiting for us."

Hajiya Azeema held Gwaggon's wrapper and said, "Let me help you wrap it properly." Goggo shook her head, saying, "Leave it; I prefer holding it in my hand. That way, I can feel the breeze all over me." Hajiya Azeema smiled and said, "That works too, but at least wrap it properly so you'll look nice when you step out, especially since Abu Sufyan and his children are here. They wouldn't want to see their grandmother like this, would they?"

Gwaggon smiled brightly and asked, "So the dream I had last night was real?" Hajiya Azeema nodded and replied, "Yes, they're here. Everything that happened yesterday was real. You just forgot some parts."

Upon hearing this, Gwaggon quickly wrapped her cloth around her body and said, "God bless Abu Sufyan's children, those innocent souls. They suffered so much in the hands of that wicked, devilish man. God, that man is pure evil. He just doesn't have horns on his head, but I'm beginning to suspect he might be Satan's child."

"Goggo, please stop talking about him. Honestly, I don’t even want to hear his name. I despise him as much as I hate death," Hajiya Azeema said as she headed towards the dining table. Gwaggon followed behind, saying, "Well, you better block your ears then because I have to talk about Sayyadi. If they don't bring me his head, I'll keep mentioning his name."

Hajiya Azeema just smiled as they both reached the dining table. They greeted each other, and when Jahad saw Saude, she and the others rushed to her and embraced her. Yesterday, they hadn’t had the chance to greet her because of everything that had happened. Saude hugged them tightly, saying, "I'm so happy for you. Harris told me everything. So you're actually related by blood," she said as she let them go. Jahad, beaming with happiness, said, "Aunty Saude, can you believe it? We’ve been through so much in life.

We never thought we had any family, but here we are, united with Ya Omar, and Sehrish, our sister, came here because of her work. We’ve been living with our relatives without even knowing it, but God revealed everything in His wisdom." Saude responded, "Congratulations once again."

Hausa Version

Sabbin romantic hausa novel part 1

Wani murmushi Abu sufyan yayi tareda cewa "ba zasu kara wahala ba, bazan ƙara bari hakan ya faru ba, tunda dae har yaran-nan suka bayyana a matsayin ya'yana, In Allah ya yarda ba zan ƙara bari suyi aikin da zasu sha wahala ba, ko cokali ba zan ƙara bari ɗaya daga cikinsu ta sake ɗaukowa ba, rayuwar hutu nake so suyi rayuwar yanci tamkar kowa," ya ƙarasa maganar a yayinda yake bin kowaccensu da kallo cike da so da ƙauna'.

Janye idanu yayi daga kan nata, kafin ya miƙea hannunsa da ɗaukar Glass_cup mai ɗauke da cool drink ya kai shi saitin bakinsa yana sipping a natse, yayinda lemun ke ratsa maƙogwaronsa, a hankali ya lumshe idanu tareda ɗan ware su kaɗan, suka ƙara sauka akan na sehrish a karo na uku kenan, a gaggauce tayi saurin janye idanunta daga kan nasa ta mayar dasu akan plate ɗin abincinsa. sabbin romantic hausa novel.

Sabbin romantic hausa novel
Sabbin romantic hausa novel 1

Hannu Sgr yayi amfani da tareda yago tissue sannan ya goge bakinsa, kafin ya miƙe tareda juyawa ya nufi kan bene, Miƙewa Marshal yayi shima da alama ya kammala break fast nasa, shima bene ya nufa,

Fitowar Hajiya azeema da cikin ɗakinta kenan, ta jiyo muryar gwaggon katsina tana cewa "Tsiyarta kenan kawai mutum yazo gidan ƴan gayu, ni ba zan iya rayuwar turawan_nan ba, taya za'a kaiwa mutun salalar biredi tareda wani shayi rabin kofi tamkar wata ƴar iska ace in sha"?
Tafiya take tana faman sambatu zanenta a hannu, kanta kuwa ta kifa wani samfurin ɗaurin ɗankwali mai kama da helmet, har zata gifta hajiya azeema tayi gyaran murya sannan ta soma ambaton sunanta "Goggo!," fuska a yamutse ta juyo tana kallon Hajiya azeema, dawowa tayi daga gefe suna kallon juna tace "Yawwa azeema, wai ni kam inaso in tambayeki,' natsuwa hajiya azeema ta ƙara yi tareda cewa "ina sauraronki gwaggo.
Jiya nayi wani sabon mafarki, ƴa'ƴan Abu sufyan sun bayyana, wasu ƴan uku kyawawan gaske, da nayi tunanin ko da gaskene abun ya faru kuma sai na gane ba gaskiya bane, in ba haka ba, yaushe Abu sufyan ya taɓa yin aure"? tayi wannan tambayar tana kallon hajiya azeema, wadda ta saki baki tana kallon ikon Allah.

Sabbin romantic hausa novel part 2

Ganin Hajiya azeema tayi sototo ta tsaya tana kallonta yasa tayi tunanin ko abinda ta faɗa ya batawa azeema rai ne, Nasan dole kiyi mamaki kema, domin mafarkin fa kamar da gaske, ɗaya daga cikinsu har tana sharara mana  ƙarya wai su ƴa'ƴan wata zainabu ne, kuma a cikin labarin hada wata wai ita hajiya Ameena, in banda shaiɗan ina Abu sufyan ina ƴa'ƴa"?
Ƙiris ya rage Hajiya Azeema ta fashe da dariya a gaban gwaggon katsina, ganin yadda ta haƙiƙance tana yi mata bayani wannan mafarki. Kuma babu alamun wasa a fuskar gwaggon, ƙunshe dariyar bakinta tayi tareda cewa "Gwaggo anya kina amfani da maganinki kuwa? ina Dr harris yake? gaskiya inason ganinshi,' wani gajeren tsaki gwaggon katsina ta ja tareda cewa "Harrisun daya koma ɗan iska," zare ido waje azeema tayi cikin mamaki tace "gwaggo harris ɗin ɗan iska"?

Sabbin romantic hausa novel
Sabbin romantic hausa novel 2

Taɓe baki tayi tareda cewa "ah! zan masa ƙarya ne? ba ɗan cikina bane"? nasha wuyar yiwa yarona tarbiya amma waccen sauden..... 'kasa ƙarasa zancen tayi saboda kukan daya ciyota, zanin hannunta ta kai saitin idanunta tana ƙoƙarin goge wani ƙaramin hawaye, Zuru harris yayi dama fitowarsa kenan kuma a tareda saude suka fito, jin maganar gwaggon Katsina ne yasa yayi saurin cire hannunshi daga na sauden. sabbin romantic hausa novel.

Hajiya azeema tace "gwaggo faɗa mun me harris ɗin yayi? hankali tashe Saude tace "ya harris please kada ka bari gwaggo ta faɗawa hajeeya abunda muka aikata, kasan gwaggo yar gargajiya ce kuma kasan yadda take ɗaukaka abu, inta tashi faɗi saita ƙarawa miya gishiri,' Dr harris yace "kar ki damu" in Allah ya yarda ba zata faɗa ba,"

Faɗin hakan ke da wuya sai gwaggon tace "Azeema abun da ciwo gaskiya, yanzu dai yunwa nake ji, shiyasa ma kika ganni na fito ina sambatu, Wurin waccen matar zani, wallahi ba azmee ko ramadan ce ita yau sai na zazzaga mata rashin mutunci! Ni zata rainawa hankali tun da safe, ta kawo mun shayi rabin kofi da wani salalar biredi wai in fara da wannan, don ta rainamun hankali, nayi mata kama da ɗan biri ne?

Sabbin romantic hausa novel last 

Ranta a ɓace tayi maganar, ai kuwa a tare haris da saude suka kwashe da dariya, a hanzar ce ta juyo sakamakon jin sautinsu, nan take ta tsuke fuska ganinsa tareda saude, Murmushi Hajiya azeema tayi tareda cewa "haba gwaggo baki fahimce ta bane, cewa fa tayi ki fara da wannan shayin kafin ki tashi fitowa zuwa yin Karin kumallo, yanzu haka yana can an shirya, kawai mu ake jira muje mu ci namu break fast,"

Hajiya azeema ta ƙarasa maganar tareda ruƙo zanin hannun gwaggon tace "Bari in taimaka miki ki ɗaura" girgiza kai tayi sannan cewa "Barmin shi nafi jin dadinsa a hannuna, domin inji iska na shiga ta ko'ina, "murmushi hajiya azeema tayi kafin tace "hakan ma yayi gwaggo, amma ki ɗaura zanin yadda zaki fito da kyau tunda ga riga kin sanya a jikinki, Kuma kinga Abu sufyan yana nan, Ga kuma ƴa'ƴansa, ba zasu so suga gwaggonsu a haka ba ko ?"

Wani ƙayataccen murmushi gwaggo ta saki tareda cewa "Kenan da gaske ne Mafarkin da nayi jiya"? jinjina kai Azeema tayi tace "Ae suna nan, duk abinda ya faru jiya da gaske ne, ba mafarki kika yi ba, a gabanki a kayi komai kin dai ɗan manta ne kurum.

Jin haka yasa gwaggo tayi saurin mayar da zanin a jikinta tana ɗaureshi sannan tana cewa "Allah sarki ƴa'ƴan Abu sufyan ɗina, bayin Allah, sun sha wahala a hannun wannan fasiƙin baƙin shaiɗanin, Allah mutumin nan ƙaho ne kaɗai bai fito masa a kansa ba, amma ina tantama anya ba ɗan gidan shaiɗan bane"?

gwaggo ki daina maganarsa, Ni wallahi ko zancensa ma bana so ana yi, na tsani mutumin_nan kamar yadda na tsani mutuwata, "a cewar hajiya azeema, tayi maganar ne a yayinda take kama hanyar teburin cin abinci, bin bayanta Gwaggon tayi tana cewa, Ae ko sai_dai ki toshe kunnanki, don zancen sayyadi ya zama dole sai nayi, in har ba'a kawomin kansa ba, ba zan daina faɗan sunanshi ba,'

Sabbin romantic hausa novel
Sabbin romantic hausa novel last 

Murmushi hajiya azeema kawai tayi, a tare suka ƙarasa dining table din, Gaggaisawa suka fara yi da junansu, su jahad na ganin saude suka tashi da sauri a tare suka nufeta, dama Jiya basu gaisa da ita ba, saboda yanayin da suka shiga gaba ɗayansu, haɗasu tayi gaba ɗaya ta rungume a jikinta, cike da farinciki tace, Ina taya ku murna sosai, nayi farinciki sosai, Ya harris ya sanar dani komai a game daku, ashe ku jininsu ne, ta ƙarasa maganar a yayinda take raba jikinta da nasu, kowannansu fuskarshi ɗauke da murmushin farinciki jahad tace "Aunty saude kinga ikon ubangiji ko? munsha wuya sosai a rayuwarmu.

Mu kanmu bamu taɓa tsammanin muna da dangi ba, amma sai gashi ƙaddara ta haɗamu da Ya Omar, Ita kuma ƴar'uwarmu Sehrish ƙaddarar aiki ne ya kawota gidan_nan, Muna tareda ƴan_uwanmu ba tareda mun_sani ba, sai gashi ubangiji ya bayyana mana komai, cikin hikimarsa' Saude tace "Congratulations Once again.

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