Sabbin hausa novels complete.
Sabbin hausa novels complete _Sanyi da Zafi is a captivating Hausa novel written by Maman Shakur that blends themes of tradition, power, and family conflict. The story is set in a royal palace, where key characters like Waziri, Wambai, Makama, and Sarkin Dawaki engage in secretive discussions about the future of the kingdom. The central plot revolves around Riyad, a son of the late king, who is absent during crucial moments, raising tensions within the royal family. His wanderlust and refusal to settle in his homeland spark debates about loyalty and responsibility.The novel masterfully explores familial bonds, ambition, and societal expectations, with a special focus on the contrast between Riyad's international lifestyle and the deep-rooted traditions of his family. Maman Shakur's writing brings out the richness of the royal setting, with vivid descriptions of the luxurious palace and the emotional struggles of the characters.
In essence, Sanyi da Zafi portrays the clash between modernity and tradition, and the inner conflicts that arise when one is torn between personal freedom and duty. The story’s twists and character dynamics make it a gripping read for lovers of Hausa literature.
English Version
Sabbin hausa novels complete part 1
He calmly greeted before entering a large hall referred to as “Sha Kallo” (Private Viewing), a place used only for confidential meetings. The room was built in a unique architectural style, resembling a museum, with a spacious and grand interior. The decorations featured gold embellishments, and a large carpet covered the entire room. Beautifully decorated royal pillows were scattered on the carpet for lounging.
Five people were seated in the hall, four men and one elderly woman. The old woman appeared to be around 76 years old, with red eyes, wearing a cloak and holding a tissue and prayer beads. The other people present were Waziri, Wambai, Makama, and Sarkin Dawaki.
Off to the side, two other elderly men who resembled the woman entered and sat down. His heart skipped a beat because these men, after the king, were the highest authorities in the kingdom, which made this meeting a significant affair. He walked to the center of the room and found a seat. Looking at the elderly woman, he asked, “Gwaggo, did you send for me?” She nodded in affirmation before gently wiping her tears with a tissue and said, “Your father’s companions requested your presence, as the eldest son of the king, Kabeer.”
He quickly lifted his head to glance at the others in the room, who were watching him closely, before saying, “Okay.” The eldest of the group, Makama, then asked, “Have all your siblings arrived? Because at four o’clock, we will take the king to his resting place.” With composure, he replied, “Yarima Halilu and Ibrahima have been here for a while. Munir called me just now; his flight has landed in Abuja, and he’s on his way. As for Yarima Umaru, his flight has just left Lagos….” He trailed off, and everyone in the room asked simultaneously, “What about Yarima Riyad?”
He exhaled a quiet sigh and said, “I’ve called him countless times, but I can’t reach him.” The elderly woman, Gwaggo, exclaimed, “I have never seen anyone as irresponsible as Riyad. One day he’s in Egypt, the next in Cyprus, then Oman, and then Germany. He’s like a whirlwind, moving from one country to another. Perhaps today, he’s in France. Try calling his French number, Dan Buri. If you don’t have it, go to Fulani to get it.”
Sabbin hausa novels complete last
Kabeer, with a soft voice, replied, “Gwaggo, you know he has never stayed in one place for more than a month before leaving again. Even Fulani, his mother, has no idea where he is. She has been trying to reach him, too, but his phone is off. I don’t know what his problem is—why he prefers to roam the world rather than stay in his own country, where he was raised.” Just as he was speaking, Wambai raised his hand, signaling for him to stop.
Wambai took a deep breath before saying, “In any case, due to his absence, we won’t delay the king’s burial. I’m sure, wherever he is, he will see the news of his father’s death and return. Now, go.”
Kabeer stood up slowly and left the room, muttering under his breath. One of the men in the room, visibly frustrated, said, “Gwaggo, I’ve warned the king many times to sit Riyad down and give him advice. Of all the king’s children, none is as reckless as Riyad. He refuses to stay and learn our traditions. What will people say when they realize he’s the only one missing?”
Everyone in the room stared at him as he continued, but Usmanu, sitting beside him, said, “No, Riyad is a composed man, and we all know that business is what takes him abroad. The king trusted him and gave him permission because of his passion for business. Riyad is compassionate and of good character, and we all know this.” Hambali, the one criticizing Riyad, snapped back, “How dare you respond to me, Usmanu?”
Before their argument could escalate, the elderly woman, Gwaggo, interrupted, “Enough! Hambali, Usmanu, do you realize that your brother has passed away? Is this the time for an argument about his son?” Everyone fell silent.
Kabeer then headed to his mother’s quarters, the senior wife. Her residence was a massive mansion in a large neighborhood, showcasing the wealth of the kingdom. Despite the women weeping, he passed by them and entered her quarters. She was seated among her attendants, crying. He signaled with his eyes for her to come upstairs, and she got up, adjusting her veil. Her eyes were red from crying. She followed him, and they entered her room.
Once inside, he locked the door behind them. With a deceptive tone, as if she hadn’t just been crying, she asked, “How did it go? What did they say?” Smiling slightly, Kabeer replied, “Up until now, they haven’t been able to reach Riyad on the phone, Mama, which pleases me.”
Immediately, she_clenched_her_fist_and waved_it_in_the_air_with_joy, exclaiming,_Good! Alhamdulillah! Riyad has always been my only concern, Dan Buri, because out of all the king’s children, you are the wealthiest, the most educated, and the most connected with the elite of this nation. You also come from a noble lineage—my lineage. You are the most well-known in the palace. Riyad is the only one who could rival you in wealth and education, having completed his PhD. But other than that, what does he have? He doesn’t even have a wife, and there are rumors about him not being well because he can’t marry. If you ask anyone in the kingdom who they think should be king, everyone will say you. You are the first son of the king, and you should act like one. Now, go outside and be seen. Show love to your siblings, embrace them, and act as the leader of the family. This will help you gain more favor. Go now, and keep me informed.”
Overjoyed, he laughed and said, “Mama, you’ve outdone yourself.” She quickly wiped his face and warned, “Don’t show too much happiness. Make your face look sorrowful, as if you are the one mourning the most.” He nodded, adopting a somber expression as though he were about to burst into tears, though inwardly, he felt at ease. He left the room.
Kabeer returned to the palace, where people were either crying or lost in thought, while visitors continued to arrive. He sat down and joined Waziri, deep in thought.
Hausa Version
Sabbin hausa novels complete part 1 (Sanyi da Zafi)
A natse yayi sallama sannan ya shiga wani katafaren falo wanda ake kira da sha kallo, domin ganawar sirri kadai kesa a shigo cikin wannan falon, wani irin kirar samfarin gini aka yi masa kaman wani museum, yana da fadi da girma dakin ga wasu ado na gwala-gwalai sai kuma babban carpet daya lullube ko’ina a falon, sai filoli masu ɗan karen kyau da suke jejjefe akan carpet din domin kishingiɗa anyi musu ado na sarauta a jikinsu. Sanyi da Zafi story wanda muka laƙaba masa sabbin hausa novels complete domin masu karatu.
Mutane biyar ne ke zaune a cikin falon maza huɗu sai mace tsohuwa guda daya, tsohuwa ta manyanta dan akalla zata kai shekara saba'in da shida 76 da idanunta sunyi jajur tana sanye da Alkyabba hannunta kuma riƙe da tissue da kuma charbi tana ja, sauran mutanen kuma sune Waziri, Wambai, Makama da kuma Sarkin dawaki.
Sabbin hausa novels complete 1
Can kuma daga gefe akwai wasu manyan dattawa maza guda biyu dake kama da wannan tsohuwa suma sun shigo sun zauna suma, dan faduwa gabanshi yayi domin haduwan mutanen nan wanda bayan sarki sune masu fada aji a fadar kasar tofa ba ƙaramin abu bane, tahiwa yayi tsakiyar dakin sannan ya sami waje ya zauna ya kalli wannan tsohuwa mai babban daki yace “Gwaggo kece kika aika a kirani”? Girgiza kanta tayi alamar eh kafin kuma a hankali tasa tisssue saman fuskarta ta share hawayen sannan tace “aminan mahaifinka suka sa ayi kiranka a matsayinka na babban ɗa a wajen sarki Kabeer” da sauri ya dago kai ya kalli sauran jama’an dakin dake kallonsa yace “toh” abnatse babban cikinsu wanda shine Makama yace “kannenka duka sun ƙaraso? Saboda ƙarfe hudu zamu kai Sarki makawancinsa” cike da kamala da kuma natsuwa yace “Yarima Halilu, Ibrahima, dama su tuntuni suna nan, Munir kuma yanzu ya kirani jirginsu ya_sauka_a_Abuja_yana_kan hanya, shi_kuma_yarima_Umaru_yanzu_haka jirginsu_ya_tashi_daga_lagos_shi_kuma…..” ya ɗanyi_shiru, a tare_dukansu_yan_dakin_suka ce “Yarima_Riyad fa”? A hankali ya sauke yar boyayyen ajiyar zuciya sannan yace “na kirashi sau ba adadi bana samunshi” salati tsohuwa mai Babban daki ta saki tace “ban taba ganin gantalallen mutum irin Riyad ba, yau shine a Egypt, gobe shine a Cyprus, jibi yana Oman gata yana Germany, citta yana China ko greeceland, ohh! ni Shatu, ca nake yau wata kila yana France ka gwada kiran lambarshi ta can kuwa Dan Buri? Idan baka da lambar kaje wajen Fulani ka amsa” cikin murya mai laushi Kabeer yace “Gwaggo kema kin san bai taba yin cikakken wata daya a gari daya ba ya barta ya tafi wata, kuma har ita Fulanin da take mahaifiyarsa bata san inda yayi ba, saboda na sameta itama tana kiranshi amma wayar bata shiga, ni narasa mecece matsalar Yarima Riyad daya gwammace yayi ta yawon duniya daya zauna a cikin kasarshi inda aka yanke mai cibiya, ya girma amma bai san…….” Hannu Wambai ya daga mai yace “ya isa” ya dan sauke ajiyar zuciya sannan yace “yanzu dai saboda rashin zuwansa ba zamu jinkirta yima sarki abinda ya kamata ba, nasan duk inda yake a duniyan nan zaiga news na rasuwar mahaifinshi dan haka zamu ganshi.
Sabbin hausa novels complete last
Yanzu ta shi ka tafi” tashi yayi a hankali ya mike ya wuce ya fita yana jan dan tsaki a ranshi bayan ya kai waje. Haka wannan ruguntsumi na sabbin hausa novels complete ya cigaba. Cike da bacin rai daya daga cikin mutanen falon yace “Gwaggo nasha sanar da Mai Martaba ya zaunar da riyad yayi masa nasiha, duk cikin yayan Sarki babu gantalalle irin Riyad, yaki zama ya koyi komai irin na al’adunmu, yanzu me za’a cewa jama’a idan akaga shine kawai bayanan” kowa dake dakin binshi yake da kallo sai dayan dake kusa dashi da ake kira Usmanu yace “a’a Yaya Riyad mutum ne mai natsuwa dukan mu nan mun sani kasuwanci ke kai shi kasashen nan kuma Mai Martaba shi ya aminta da hakan ya bashi dama tunda yaga Riyad nada passion for business.
Riyad yaro ne mai matukar kyawun halaye ga tausayi dukkanmu a nan mun san da hakan” cike da zuciya yace “kai ina magana har ka isa ka bani amsa Usmanu” cewan yayan da ake kira da suna Hambali, zasu hau gardama tsohuwa Mai Babban daki tace “ya isa! Hambali Usmanu kun san cewa dan uwanku ya rasu kuwa? Fada kuke kokarin yi akan danshi?” Shiru_duk_suka_yi_basu_ko_kara_magana_ba…
Direct bangaren mahaifiyarshi Dan Buri (kabeer) yayi wacce itace uwargida, wani irin katafaren babban gida ne, daga inda yake zuwa side din zai je wata anguwa ce mai girman gaske, kana ganin Masarautar kasan suna da kudi bana wasa ba, duk da ga mata sunata koke-koke hakan bai hana shi ya wuce su ya shiga cikin ɓangaren su ba. Zaune take a tsakiyar mabiyanta tana kuka ya mata alamu da idanu da tazo yayi sama, mikewa wannan mata da akalla zata kai arba'in da takwas 48 tayi tana gyara lullubinta sannan ta bishi idanunta sunyi jajur saboda kuka, dakinta ya bude kofa ya shiga.
Da sauri itama ta shigo ya maida kofan dakin ya rufe yana manna mukulli, cikin gyaran murya irin ta munafukan mutane, tamkar ba itace ke kuka a falo yanzun-nan ba tace “yaya aka yi? Me_suka_ce_maka” Dan_murmushi_yayi_sannan_yace “har_zuwa yanzu_ba’a_sami_Riyad_a_waya_ba_Mama, abin_yamin_dadi” da_sauri_ta_dunkulle_hannu ta wani_watsa a cikin iska cikin farinciki tace “da kyau Alhamdulillah! Ni_fa_dama_Yarima Riyad_ne_kadai_matsalata_Dan_buri (kabeer) domin_duk_yaran_sarki_ka_fisu_kudi, ka_fisu ilimi_sannan_ka_fisu_connection_da_manyan ƙasar nan, kuma gaka ka fito daga tsatso mai kyau wato tsatsona, kuma kai aka fi sani a faɗar nan, Riyad shi kadai ne zai nuna maka arziki da kuma karatu tunda yana da PHD yanzu haka.
Amma banda haka meya fika dashi yaron da ko mata har yanzu bashi da ita anata gulma har ana cewa ba lafiya gareshi ba tunda ya kasa yin auren, kowane bafade ko jama’ar mahaifinka za’a tambaya wa suka fi so ya zama Sarki kowa cewa zai yi kai aka fi sani kai ne jagoran gidan-nan kuma dama kaine ɗan sarki na fari kasha kuruminka kamar ka zama sarki ka gama, yanzu dai bari a binne sarki anjima da kaina zanje wajen tsohuwa Mai Babban daki, bayan Riyad, da kuma Baffanku Hambali shine mayen kujerar sarauta kuma zanyi duk mai yiwuwa na kau dasu, yi maza wuce ka tafi waje saboda jama’a su ganka a shaida ka.
Duk wani kaninka ko kanwarka wanda zasu zo ka tsaya ka rungumesu ka nuna musu soyayya, ka zama kaine tsaye akan komai da komai kana kula da komai kaji hakan zai saka ka sake samun farin-jini, yanzu dai tafi ko me ake ciki ka dinga fadamin koda kuwa a waya ne kaji, Mai Martaba ya riga ya mutu sai dai kuma mu hadu a lahira Mulkin nan kuma tun kafin a kaishi makwancinsa zan soma shige da ficen ɗoraka akai, kai ne ɗana na fari kai ne kuma magajin sarki.
Sabbin hausa novels complete last
Murmushin farinciki ya mata sosai har da ɗan yin dariya yace “Mama kinyi a rayuwa” da sauri ta shafa fuskarsa tace “kaga daina nuna farinciki ka maida fuskan nan kamar kai kadai aka yima mutuwa a gidan-nan” gyaɗa mata kai yayi ya koyi sakwa-sakwa da fuska uwa zai fashe da matsanancin kuka nan ko ranshi fess ya wuce ya fita daga cikin dakin.
Haka ya wuce har fada inda mutane ke zaune, wasu na kuka wasu sunyi tagumi, ga baƙi sai ƙara shigowa suke. Haka ya zauna ya zabga wani uban tagumi kusa da waziri.