Romantic hausa novels complete

List of romantic Hausa novels complete

Romantic hausa novels complete

Are you sad or something? Complete romantic hausa novels are full of exciting stories for love that touch the heart of a reader. These novels show how love can grow between two people while also viewing the rich culture and traditions of the people of Hausa. These novels not only focus on romance but also show important topics like friendship and the struggles. Weather you are enjoying sweet love stories or dramatic tales full of challenges, these complete romantic hausa novels have something that you are looking for.

After doing research for this article, it would be our pleasure to share with you a list of the top romantic hausa novels you should read in 2024. Each novel on our list has its own unique story about love, challenges, and the bonds that connect people. If you love reading about hausa romance with a touch of tradition, then this list will definitely keep you entertained. Let's enter the world of love and explore some of the romantic hausa novels out there.

A jinina take (She's in my blood)

This is a story between two great kingdoms: the Kingdom of Katsina and the Kingdom of Damagaran. The Katsina Kingdom is located in Nigeria, while the Damagaran Kingdom is in Niger. This complete romantic Hausa novel focuses on the lives of Prince Bilal and other characters. Due to Bilal's patience and his habit of avoiding unnecessary discussions, he often found himself in various problems. This behavior ultimately led him to marry a slave’s daughter Zeenah.

English Excerpt:
What do you think will happen in this marriage between the quiet, reserved man and his fiery wife Zeenah? Right from their first meeting, he pushed her to the wall, and she slapped him twice. Given Bilal’s reserved nature, especially since his mother’s death, do you think he can open up his heart to a new woman and allow her to take care of him?

Hausa Excerpt:
Shin me karatu me kake tunanin zai faru a wannan rayuwar aure tsakanin miskili da kuma masifaffiyar matarsa Zeenah? Dama tun a farkon haduwarsu saida ya kaita bango har ta sharara masa maruka guda biyu. Kakakara-kaka to bilal wanda ya kasance tun bayan mutuwar mahaifiyarsa duk abubuwa suka sane masa, shin zai iya budewa wata sabuwar mace zuciyarsa har ta iya kula dashi. 

Bari na baku kadan daga cikin wannan romantic Hausa novel complete mai take a jinina take: Tafiya suke cikin sauri tamkar wanda aka yiwa busharar bakin ciki, kasancewar lokacin sallar magariba yayi domin masallatan unguwa har sun soma kiran sallah. Haka ta Æ™ara nannade kafar wandonta domin suyi saurin tsallaka titi. Wai ke Zeenah kinata faman jana, shin bakya ganin yan kilisa sunata dawowa? 

Gidan gandu (Combined house)

The title Gidan Gandu of this complete romantic Hausa novel means "combined house." It is a story about the lives of relatives living in a large family house. Gidan Gandu is a love-themed Hausa novel that highlights both the benefits and drawbacks of living with relatives in a shared home, especially when bad habits such as stealing, rape, and other issues arise. The author, Sady Sakhna, introduces many challenges one may encounter as a result of living in a Gandu house, including forced relationships that may develop under such circumstances.

English Excerpt:
The author said, 'This story is entirely fictional. It might coincide with other people's stories, but please know that I didn't write it with those people in mind. It's purely a product of my imagination and creativity.' The house was quiet, with everyone absorbed in their own thoughts, except for the occasional noise from our Uncle Shehu's room. As usual, his wives, Inna Larai and Inna Karima, were at odds. Meanwhile, in the girls' room, a beautiful young girl was enjoying her sleep. This complete romantic Hausa novel is filled with various twists and turns.

Hausa Excerpt:
Marubuciyar tace 'Wannan labari nawa kirkirarre ne, wata kila zai iya cin karo da labarin wasu amma ayi sani cewa ban rubuta domin sanin wannan mutane ba, illa iyaka da rubuta ne kawai da zallan tunani da hasashena' Gidan yayi shiru babu wata hayaniya sakamakon kowa ya kama harkokin gabansa, sai kawai kofar kawunmu Shehu wanda dama su wannan kullum cikin rigima suke. Wato inna Larai ce da inna Karima. Can kuma dakin yanmatan gidan, wata zankadediyar budurwa ce ke more barcinta. Shima dai wannan complete romantic Hausa novel yana tareda chakwakiya kala-kala.

Rabo inya rantse (Most got rewards)

Rabo inya rantse is another compelling, complete romantic Hausa novel written by H_jeedah. The novel suggests the things that one can most afford under his life fate.

Sahresh Lameedo's life became complicated after her mother’s death. She has not had it easy since then, living in darkness with no choices and no happiness until she met Faaris Tafida. On the other hand, Lailah Turaki is a strong-willed girl who fears no one, not even Saifullahi Tafida. They cannot stand each other, not even for a moment. (What will happen when these individuals cross paths again after several years?).
(Is it possible for them to fall in love despite their opposite personalities?)

English Excerpt:
The characters in this novel include: Faaris Tafida, Sahresh Lameedo, Saifullah Tafida, Lailah Turaki, Suhail Turaki, Mia Maleek, and others.
Tick, tick, tick, the sound of an alarm kept ringing. He reached out his hand and slapped it to silence it, but didn't get up. He pulled the blanket over his head and continued sleeping.
"Get up real quick, bro," Haaris said, opening the curtains. With a frown, he started...

Hausa Excerpt:
Jerin yan wasan dake cikin wannan novel sun hada da: Faaris Tafida, Sahresh lameedo, Saifullah Tafida, Lailah Turaki, Suhail Turaki, Mia maleek da dai sauransu. Chapter ta farko ta wannan littafi. tikk, tikk, tikk, sautin amo ne keta faman buga alarm, hannunsa ya mika gamida buga saman, alarm ya mutu ba tare da ya mike ba. Yaja bargo ya cigaba da baccinsa. 

'Get up real quick bro' Haaris ya faÉ—a tareda bude labulen dakin. Yatsine fuska ya soma..
Read the complete novel here 

Yaran mijina (My step sons)

This novel involves the struggles of a stepmother with the children of her husband; the author of the book was one of the best storytellers in the northern part. This complete romantic hausa novel is based on a true-life event. Zainab Shu'aibu, who is the storyteller, dedicated the book to the family. 

English Excerpt:
Madina suddenly collapsed and fainted. Hafsat, upon seeing this, sighed and said, "I knew you would die, you wretch."

While Hafsat was sitting, she saw their father through the window approaching. Immediately, she screamed loudly, "Oh my God!" She then started shaking her, shouting, "Aunty_Madina!! Aunty_Madina!! Please get up!" Hearing Hafsa's cry, Alhaji hurried in without even greeting. He was panicking and said, "Hafsa, let me call the doctor." He quickly turned and rushed to the doctor's office.

As soon as Alhaji entered, he spoke hurriedly, "Doctor, my wife has fainted.

Hausa Excerpt:
Tashin Madina kenan jiri ya kwashe ta ta fadi kasa a sume. Hafsat na ganin hakan ya faru taja wani tsaki sannan tace "ni dama zaki mutu shegiya".

Can hafsat na zaune sai ta hango ' babansu ta window yana tahowa ai sai ta kwalla wani mufukin kara wayyo Allah! Sannan ta soma jijigata tana fadin Anti madina!! Anty madina!! Anti. Dan Allah ki tashi ai kuwa alhaji jin wannan ihun na hafsa yasa ya shigo da sauri ba tareda yayi ko sallama ba. A rude yake
magana lafiya hafsa bari in kira likita ya juya da hanzari ya nufi ofishin doctor.

Alhaji da shiga ya fara magana a rude likita matata ta suma, likita na jin haka shima cikin hanzari ya tashi ya dauki kayan aiki ya bi bayan shi. Suna shiga Alhaji ya dauki Madina ya dora a saman gado, likita ya soma dubata ya gwada blood pressure yaga yayi sama sosai, nan da nan ya kira malamar asibiti ta mata allura. ya fara yiwa Alhaji bayani na cewa 
jininta ne ya hau kuma ba'a so mace ta samu matsalan eclampsia dan kashi hamsin sukan iya rasa ransu. An fi buƙatar haka ta faru kafin haihuwa amma kar ka damu idan ubangiji ya yarda zata samu lafiya. Wannan complete hausa novel nada abin tausayi, soyyaya da ilimin rayuwa.

Ya'yan asali (True children)

The author of the book was Isha Moha. This storytelling is based on romance, love, and attitude. Two brothers would be left without a choice but to marry their cousins, who happened to have grown up in America and brought up in Nigeria nonchalantly. The complete romance novel was well written and captured the attention of many readers both online and offline. The two siblings found themselves in hard times for marrying their undeserved cousins. This is one of hausa parents attitudes toward forcing their own children to marry their sisters daughters without consent. You will enjoy love, romance, and critical thinking when reading this novel.

English Excerpt:
Amatullah, get up, won't you? She just burrowed deeper into her duvet, pretending she wasn't the one being called. Madam Laura, their maid, pulled the duvet further, saying, "Get up, Amatullah, you'll be late for school." In a sleepy voice, she replied, "Madam Laura, five more minutes won't hurt; please let me sleep." "No way, I won't let you sleep at this time of day when it's not a weekend. Either you get up and get ready or I'll call your mom now." Amatullah sat up from her bed, clearly annoyed, and said, "Okay, okay, I'm up. No need to call my mom. I'll get ready now and come downstairs." "That's better. Hurry up so you would not be late." Ignoring her, she got out of (bed) and went to the bathroom to take a shower. This complete romantic Hausa novel is full of interest, sympathy, and the struggles of life.

Hausa Excerpt:
Amatullah tashi mana, ba zaki tashi ba?, ita dai kara shiga cikin mayafi tayi ta lullube kanta kamar ba ita bace ake cewa ta tashi. Madam Laura mai aikinsu ta kara jan mayafin tana cewa tashi mana amatullah, zaki makara zuwa makaranta fa. cikin shakakkiyar muryar bacci tace "madam Laura baccin minti biyar ba zai cutar dani ba, dan Allah ki barni nayi " tab, aiko ba zai yiwu na barki kiyi ta bacci, kuma ba'a karshen mako ba, ko dai ki tashi ki shirya ko kuma yanzu na kira mamanku. Mikewa Amatullah tayi daga kwanciyar da take ranta duk a bace, sannan tace "shikenan na tashi ba sai kin kira mamanmu ba, yanzu zan shirya sannan na sakko kasan", " shi dai yafi miki, kiyi da sauri saboda karki makara", ba tareda ta kula ta ba ta mike daga kan gadon ta shiga bayan gida ta sakarwa kanta ruwan shower. Wannan complete romantic hausa novel yana da matukar ban sha'awa, tausayi, da jajircewar rayuwa.

Captain Sadiq

This complete romantic hausa novel was written by Salma Mas'ud Nadabo. The story is based on Captain Sadiq, who was a Nigerian army captain who became a hot-tempered person as a result of the death of his wife. His beloved wife died after giving birth to a baby girl. This book includes love, romance, adventure, and good life lessons. The author dedicated the book to her beloved children.

English excerpt:
"I saw a little girl who couldn't be more than ten years old, walking and crying as if she had lost someone. She was very fair, not dark-skinned, and she wasn't wearing sandals. She was holding her sandals in her hand, which gave me a chance to look at her hair. It was very black, but due to lack of care, it looked tangled. With just one glance, I realized it was soft; it was just the lack of care that made it look so rough. Her nose was also in bad shape; it was full of snot.

Hausa Excerpt:
Karamar yarinya ce wacce ba zata haura shekara goma ba na hango, tana tafe tana faman sharar kuka yadda kasan an mata mutuwa, fara ce sosai ita ba siriri ba, sannan kuma ita ba lukuta ba, É—an kwalinta ne a hannu hakan ya bani damar na kalli gashin kanta, baÆ™i ne siÉ—ik, amma saboda tsabar dattinsa yayi jajur, kallo dayan dana yi masa na gane mai laushi ne, rashin kula ne kawai yasa yayi ja haka. Hancinta kuwa shima ba'a barshi a baya ba, domin yayi dama-dama da majina, yarinyar akwai manyan idanu, tana wannan tafiya tana rusa kukan, dan ba tsayawa tayi ba, dai-dai wani matsakaicin gida ta tsaya, gidan kasa ne na talakawa sosai, dan hatta kofar gidan bata samu wni ishashiyar kofar shiga ba, wani uban ihu ta kara saki tamkar an watsa mata ruwan zafi, innarta dake kuryan daki ta fito tana gyara zaninta, wannan complete romantic hausa novel akwai abin tausayi, soyayya, al'ajabi da kuma darasin rayuwa. 

These complete romantic hausa novels we mentioned over were well written by passionate fibbers who devoted their time, creativity, and logic to jotting. We've gathered all the required information for you, so what are you staying for? Dive yourself to enjoy the novel of your choice. Thanks to the authors of these novels.