Mr. Romantic hausa novel

Mr. romantic Hausa novel and reviews 

Mr. Romantic Hausa novel

"Mr. Romantic" by Kabir Alaska is a captivating tale that explores the duality of appearances versus reality, the struggles of youth, and the complexity of social expectations. The story revolves around Sadik, a charming young man known as "Mr. Romantic" due to his_smooth_talk and_ability to_captivate_women. However, his life is far from the glamour he portrays, and his reality is marked by financial struggles and a series of deceptions.

Plot Overview:
The novel follows Sadik and his friends, Ameer and Zaidu, as they navigate the world of parties, fashion, and romantic conquests. Despite their flashy outward appearances, they rely heavily on borrowed clothes, rented cars, and exaggerated social status. Sadik’s charm leads him into various entanglements, including a brief romance with Halisa, a wealthy girl, who is also deceived by his false wealth. However, Sadik's lies eventually catch up with him when a confrontation over borrowed clothes leads to his arrest. The story takes a dramatic turn when the group is caught by local authorities during a party raid, and they are sentenced to community service, sweeping mosques and attending Islamic lessons.

1. Illusion vs. Reality: The novel deftly explores how appearances can be deceiving. Sadik, who projects the image of a wealthy and successful young man, is in reality struggling with financial instability. This contrast highlights the pressures young people face to conform to societal ideals of success, even if it means living a lie.

2. Social Status and Materialism: The novel critiques how young people often measure their worth by material possessions and social status. Sadik and his friends' obsession with fashion and parties is a reflection of this, as they go to great lengths to fit into a higher social class.

3. Redemption and Personal Growth: Towards the end, the characters’ run-in with the authorities forces them to reevaluate their lifestyles. Sadik, in particular, undergoes a transformation, becoming a respected Islamic teacher, showing that personal growth and redemption are possible.

Character Development:
- Sadik (Mr. Romantic): The central character is a mix of charm and deception. His transformation from a superficial young man to a grounded individual is the core of the story. His journey illustrates how life's challenges can lead to personal growth.
- Ameer and Zaidu: Sadik’s friends also represent the youth culture of materialism and social posturing. However, like Sadik, they too are forced to confront the reality of their choices by the end of the novel.

- Halisa: Though a minor character, Halisa represents the allure of wealth and the upper class, something Sadik aspires to but ultimately cannot sustain.

Writing Style:
Kabir Alaska’s writing is humorous yet insightful. The novel is filled with witty dialogues, especially between Sadik and his friends, which captures the essence of youthful arrogance and naivety. The humor lightens the deeper message of the story, making it an entertaining yet reflective read.

"Mr. Romantic" is more than just a light-hearted story of a young man’s romantic escapades; it is a commentary on the pressures of modern society and the masks people wear to fit in. Kabir Alaska effectively uses humor and relatable characters to deliver a story that resonates with young readers while offering a moral lesson about honesty, humility, and personal transformation.

English Version

Mr. romantic hausa novel part 1

Mr. Romantic is not the name of a foreigner or an Arab, but the name of a young man, Sadik. Due to his expertise in love and his mastery in charming women, we named him Mr. Romantic, the "man of love." "Haba Zaidu, you really have a problem," said Ameer. "How could I give you fifteen thousand naira and you're still saying it's not enough? What kind of party is this?" Ameer_looked at Zaidu_calmly and_said, "Oh my friend! This is a party for the big boys, the ones who know how to flaunt their style." Ameer continued, "Honestly, you_have to_add more_money. If not, I'll return your money." 

"Alright, how much more do I need to add?" asked Zaidu. "Eight thousand," because I contributed 23K myself, and everyone else did the same," Ameer said, holding his head in disbelief. "Now, where would I even find an additional eight thousand naira?" Zaidu sighed, "Just give me back my money; I’m not interested anymore." Realizing Zaidu was serious, Ameer said, "You know what, let's go and figure out what to do." 

They headed straight to Mr. Romantic’s house, Sadik. When they arrived, they found him washing an old motorbike that belonged to his father. They began to laugh, "Hahaha! Look at you, Mr. Cool Guy, washing this old bike." Sadik frowned and said, "I don’t like disrespect. This is my father’s bike." Then they stopped laughing. Sadik said, "You all know I wouldn’t even ride this old Jincheng motorbike. I'm just doing this for rewards." He then asked, "So, what's up?" Ameer responded, "Well, Zaidu says he doesn't have enough money, and you know how things go." 

Mr. Romantic said, "Come on, Zaidu, why would you embarrass me like this? I don't have any money myself, and you don’t know how hard it was for me to gather what I have." Mr. Romantic said, "Okay, here’s what we'll do: go wait for me in my room." They entered Sadik's small room, which had an old mattress and a pillow made of rags. Zaidu glanced at Ameer and burst into laughter, "This guy brags so much, but look at where he sleeps." Ameer responded, "Just forget about it." 

 In the corner, there was a fridge with two bottles of Pop-Cola inside, which had been there for almost three weeks. It wasn't something you'd laugh at, but you'd see two old chairs covered in dust. But when Mr. Romantic and his friends hit the town, even Dangote's children wouldn’t outdo them in style. They were experts in borrowing clothes, cars, anything that would help them flaunt their looks. If they couldn't borrow a car, they'd rent one just to show off. Last week, Mr. Romantic borrowed a new outfit from a laundry shop. 

Mr. romantic hausa novel part 2

He cleaned up, got dressed, and hit the streets. That’s when he met a beautiful girl named Halisa, the daughter of wealthy parents, while he didn’t have a penny on him except his borrowed outfit. He even borrowed an iPhone 16, making him look like a rich guy, but it was all fake. Mr. Romantic was very skilled at charming women. 

When he saw a beautiful girl waiting in a car outside Bayero Mall, he confidently walked over, pretending to be using his iPhone 16. "Salam alaikum," he greeted. She looked at him calmly, glanced him up and down, and replied. 

 Mr. Romantic had a stylish beard, and he knew how to carry himself like a rich man’s son. He_said, "Excuse_me, fine_girl, if you don't-mind, I have_a_question?" She responded, "Okay, what's the question?" Mr. Romantic said, "What's that beauty mark on your face?" She rolled her eyes a bit and asked, "What did you see?" Mr. Romantic replied, "I see beauty, of course." She smiled slightly. 

He continued, "But really, why is a beautiful girl like you standing out in the sun?" She replied, "Oh, I’m just waiting for my friend; she’s shopping." "Oh no! So, we’re here for the same reason," Mr. Romantic said. "And what reason is that?" she asked. "Oh, my_car broke_down, and I gave it to_the_mechanic just back_there," he said. "Okay," she_responded. Mr. Romantic then said, "If you don't mind, may I know your name?" She looked surprised, "My name? It's Halisa." Mr. Romantic smiled and said, "What a beautiful name, but may I call you mine?" She raised her eyebrows in surprise and said, "Yours? No." "Why not?" Mr. Romantic asked. "Because I’m not yours," Halisa replied. Just then, someone grabbed Mr. Romantic by the collar. 

It was an older man who said, "Who gave you these clothes?" Mr. Romantic looked down at his outfit (thinking to himself, "I'm in trouble"). The man repeated, "I’m_asking_you, who_gave you_these_clothes?" Mr. Romantic stammered, "Sir, I don’t know what you’re talking about. These are my clothes." The man shouted, "Every single piece of this outfit belongs to me!" There was an uproar. Halisa, seeing the commotion, distanced herself and said, "I don’t know this guy; he’s just a liar." 

Mr. romantic hausa novel part 3

 The older man, Alhaji, called the DPO on the phone. Soon, Mr. Romantic was arrested, and he got beaten up. It took a lot for his father to bail him out. After finishing washing the motorbike, Sadik joined his friends in the room. They asked, "So, what’s the plan?" Sadik replied, "I have some clothes I managed to gather yesterday. Let’s take them to the pawnshop." 

In no time, they sold the clothes for 13,000 naira. These were some "acquired" goods that Mr. Romantic had gathered the night before. The next morning, they headed out early to rent a car. They were well-known for this hustle, and as usual, they got the car and drove to the party. 

The place was packed with different girls, tall, short, curvy, and slim—every type was there. As for the guys, they were all dressed to impress, with luxury cars like Benzes and G-Wagons, and Mr. Romantic and his friends had rented a Benz too. The party kicked off, with food, drinks, and dancing. Each guy paired off with a girl. 

Sadik met a new girl at the party, and ironically, she was as broke as he was, despite wearing an outfit that could feed her family for a week. Like him, she had borrowed her outfit. In the middle of the party, the Hisbah (Islamic moral police) raided the place. Some people managed to escape, but Mr. Romantic and his friends weren't so lucky. 

They were taken into custody by the Hisbah. After a light beating, their parents were called, and they were handed over to the courts. The judge sentenced them to three months of cleaning the mosque and attending Islamic classes. From then on, Sadik, Ameer, and Zaidu became the laughingstock of the neighborhood. Everywhere they went, people pointed at them. 

The guys who used to smoke cigarettes were now holding brooms, sweeping the mosque. After three months, as per the judge’s orders, they were released. From that day on, they became well-behaved citizens. Mr. Romantic, in particular, has now become an Islamic teacher.

Hausa Version

Mr. romantic hausa novel part 1

Mr. romantic bawai sunan wani bature bane ko balarabe, a'a sunan wani matashin saurayi ne Sadik. Saboda iya soyayyarsa da kuma sanin salon iya tsara yan-mata shine dalilin da yasa muka sanya masa suna Mr. romantic wato É—an soyayya. 

 Haba Zaidu wallahi kanada matsala, cewar Ameer, yaya za'ai na baka kuÉ—i har dubu sha biyar amma wai kace ba zasu isa ba, wane irin party ne wannan? Ameer ya kalli Zaidu cikin nutsuwa yace "oh my friend!" wannan casu ne fa na manyan gayu wanda suke ji da gayu. Ameer ya Æ™ara da cewa "Ai gaskiya dole ka karo kuÉ—i" idan kuma ba haka ba to zan dawo ma da kudinka:. 

Shikenan har nawa zan Æ™aro inji Zaidu. Dubu takwas saboda nima haka na bayar ₦23K kuma sauran mutane duk haka suka bayar. Ameer ya dafe kai cikin mamaki, sannan yace ni yanzu ina naga cikowar har Naira dubu takwas. Kawai bani kuÉ—ina na fasa cewar Zaidu. Ameer ya fuskanci cewa da gaske Zaidu yake. Sai yace kasan me za'ai, kawai muje asan meye abin yi. Nan suka runguÉ—a zuwa gidan su Mr. romantic wato Sadik. 

Da zuwa suka iske shi ya dauko wani tsohon babur din babansu yana wankewa. Suka zuwa suka hau dariya Hhh. Yanzu gaye duk gayunka ka tsaya wanke wannan tsohon babur din. Sadik ya kallesu ya bata rai kai kunga banason rashin mutunci babur din baba nefa. Sai kuma suka daina dariya, yace ku ma dai kunsan bazan hau wannan tsohon jincheng É—in ba, yanzun ma ina neman lada ne. Yanzun yaya ake ciki? Ameer yace wallahi Zaidu ne wai bashi da kuÉ—i kuma kasan ya ake ciki dai. 

Mr. romantic yace haba Zaidu ya zaka ban kunya, kaga malam nifa ba inda zan samo wasu kuÉ—i, wannan É—in ma baku san yadda na samo abina ba. Nan dai Mr. romantic yace to abinda za'ai ku shiga dakina ku jirani. Nan suka dakin Sadik, É—an karamin daki ne wanda keda wata tsohuwar katifa da wani pillow na tsumma, Zaidu ya kalli Ameer ya kyalkyale da dariya, mutumin se karya ta bala'i amma kalli inda yake kwana. Ameer yace da Allah manta. 

Can kuma a gefe sai wani Fridge wanda aka sanya masa wasu lemon gora na Pop_Cola guda biyu wanda sun kusa sati uku a ciki. Abun ba zai baka dariya ba, sai ka hango wasu tsofaffin kujeru guda biyu wanda sun yi kaca kaca da Æ™ura. Amma malam idan gayun nan suka Away irin yawo hak cikin gari. To ko ya'yan dangote ba zasu nuna musu karya ba. Sune aron kayan sawa, sune aron motocin mutane. 

Kai idan aka hana su aron mota to zuwa suke su dauko renting su shiga gari yawon fantamawa. Satin daya wuce fa, Mutuminka Mr. romantic yaje wajen wani mai wanki da guga ya aro wata sabuwar shadda. Ya dau wanka ya fito gari, anan ne ya hadu da wata kyakkyawar yarinya me Halisa, ita yarinyar yar gidan masu kuÉ—i ce, shi kuma bashi da ko sisi sai dai wanka. 

Mr. romantic hausa novel part 2

Ga wata iPhone 16 daya aro, dole idan ka ganshi kace mai kuÉ—i ne, amma duk bogi ce. Mr. romantic ya iya tsara yan-mata yadda ya kamata, domin lokacin da ya hango wata kyakkyawar yarinya a cikin mota ta tsaya a kofar Bayero Mall sai ya É—an saka hannu a aljihu ya dauko wannan iPhone 16 sannan ya É—an tako a hankali zuwa wajenta, salama alaikum yan-mata ta juyo cikin natsuwa ta kalleshi sama da kasa sannan ta amsa. 

 Mr. romantic akwai siffa da ya'yan masu kuÉ—i, domin yanada saje sannan kuma ga gemu daya tara mai kyau. Yace "da Allah fine girl idan ba damuwa" inada tambaya ne? tace OK mene tambayar. Wannan menene a fuskarki kuwa, ta É—an yatsine fuska sannan tace me ka gani. Sai Mr. romantic kyau na gani mana. 

Kawai sai ta saki wani murmushi, amma da Allah me kyakkyawa irinki take a cikin rana haka? wallahi wai ina jiran kawata ne, tana siyayya. Kash! kice kusan abu É—aya ne ya tsaida mu, tace me kenan? haba motana ne ya É—an samu matsala na bawa mai gyara, nan baya. 

Tace "ok" Mr. romantic yace 'amma in ba damuwa zan so nasan sunan wannan kyakkyawa' cewa tayi hm, sunana Halisa. Cikin murmushi yace "kai suna mai dadi amma zan iya kiranki da tawa? ta kalleshi ta É—an zare ido cikin mamaki tace " taka kuma " Sadik yace eh mana, sai tace a'a. Meyasa? saboda ban zama ba inji Halisa. Haba! ai suna tsayen nan sai ji kayi an daÆ™umo wuyan Mr. romantic, wani Alhaji yace kai waya baka kayan nan, Sadik ya dubi kayan dake jikinsa (a cikin ransa yace yau na shiga uku), tambayarka nake wa ya baka kayana? Sadik cewa yayi maigida bangane wa ya bani kaya ba. 

Ya kake mun irin wannan tambayar nida kayana, nan da nan Alhaji yace " duk inda wannan kayan suka fito nawa ne, nan aka soma hayaniya. Can Halisa tace kaga Alhaji ni wannan ban san shi ba, nima naga take takensa makaryaci ne, ai suna haka Alhaji ya kira DPO a waya. 

Nan da nan aka kama Mr. romantic wallahi ya daku, da kyar babansa ya karbo shi. Bayan Mr. romantic ya gama wanke mashin ya shigo cikin dakin, suna ganinsa suka ce yanzu mene abinyi, Sadik yace inada wasu kaya dana samo jiya, mu kaiwa baban bola, ai kafin wani lokaci sun siyar da kaya har Naira dubu goma sha uku. Wasu kayan ganima ne da Mr. romantic ya samo jiya da daddare. 

 Washe gari tun da sassafe suka tafi neman renting din mota, dama sun saba buga wannan harka suna zuwa aka basu, Sadik yaja sukai gidan casu. Yan'mata ne kala kala iri iri daban daban, kaga doguwa, kaga gajera, kaga yar duma -duma, kaga siririya duk dai gasu nan. Gayu kuwa an shirya sosai, daga me benz sai g-wagon domin su Mr. romantic ma Benz suka aro. 

Mr. romantic hausa novel part 3

Bayan wani lokaci aka ci aka sha akai rawa. Wannan ya fito da yarinyarsa yayi rawa wannan ma haka. Sadik wata sabuwar yarinya ya haÉ—u ta ita a ranar itama yar talakawa ce futuk sai Æ™arya. Domin kayan dake jikinta kadai se su ci da gidansu na tsawon sati guda. Amma haka ta aro itama, wato karya ta hadu da karya. Haba malam ana cikin casun nan yan Hizbah suka yo sumame suka kama na kamawa Masu tserewa suka tsere. 

Allah kuwa ya kaddarawa Mr. romantic wahala da abokansa wahala domin sun shiga hannun yan Hizbah. Nan aka kai su ofis, bayan an dake su sama-sama sai kuma aka kira iyayen kowanne aka gayawa iyayen, sannan Hizbah ta miÆ™a su kotu inda alkali ya yanke musu wukuncin wata uku suna sharar masallaci. Haka zalika aka maida su islamiyya. 

 Nan fa Sadik, Ameer, da Zaidu suka zama abin dariya a unguwa domin duk inda suka wuce sai kaga ana nuna su. Mutanen dake rike Sigari sun koma riÆ™e tsintsiyar masallaci Hhh. Bayan wata uku kamar yadda alkali ya yanke aka sallame su. Tun daga wannan rana suka zama mutanen kirki a gari. Domin Mr. romantic yanzu haka ya zama malamin islamiyya.