Kuruciya complete hausa novel

Kuruciya complete hausa novel and reviews 

Kuruciya complete hausa novel

Title Meaning in English: 

The title Kuruciya novel translates to "Youthhood" in English, which reflects the central theme of youthful experiences and growth.

Plot Overview:  
The novel follows Aminu, a kind-hearted and simple orphan raised by his single mother. At the age of 22, Aminu travels from his modest home to Funtuwa, a town in Katsina State, to take the JAMB exam, a prerequisite for higher education in Nigeria. While in Funtuwa, he meets Fatima, a generous and compassionate woman who offers him a place to stay for the night. After his exam, their bond grows, and under the blessing of their families, Aminu and Fatima marry. Following their marriage, Aminu takes over the family business run by Fatima's mother, as they are a wealthy household.

Main Characters
Aminu Adamu – The protagonist, an orphan raised by his mother.
Fatima – The female lead who falls in love with Aminu.
Inna – Aminu’s mother, a strong, caring figure in his life.
Hajiya Karima – Fatima’s mother, a wealthy businesswoman.
Kamilu - Aminu's brother 
Amal - Aminu's sister 
Saminu – Aminu’s friend whom he meets during his travel to Funtuwa.
- Other supporting characters include Zulkiflu (water spirits) and Maigadi (gate guardian).

The novel explores significant themes such as love, societal norms, and the importance of kindness. It highlights the challenges and experiences of orphans, the influence of societal structures on relationships, and the transformative power of love and family support.

Khadija Sadik Allasa is a young, talented Hausa author known for her captivating storytelling. She has written several popular novels, including Kishiya, Yallabai, and Yan Biyu. Kuruciya complete hausa novel is one of her notable online works, and it is exclusively available for readers online.

This novel is freely accessible for readers online, and there is currently no hard copy available. We plan to provide a downloadable PDF version of the novel in future updates.

The novel appeals to a broad audience, particularly those interested in themes of love, personal growth, and the Hausa culture. It is widely read by readers across Nigeria and globally.

English Version

Kuruciya complete hausa novel part 1

In a town within the northern regions of Nigeria, there was a young man named Aminu. Aminu was a dark-skinned young man, the type of person people often refer to as having a deep complexion. He was tall, though not exceedingly so, and at the time of this writing, Aminu was 22 years old—fully grown. It is worth noting that this story, titled *Kuruciya Complete Hausa Novel*, is fictional, but we wrote it to teach life lessons, especially for the youth.

Aminu was experiencing the hardships of life, as his family was not wealthy. Despite this, they kept their struggles private. There were even days when they would go without having anything to cook. Their mother, whom they called Inna, was a kind and patient woman who did her best to care for the family. This was because Aminu's father passed away when they were young, leaving Inna to raise her children with good morals. We must commend Inna in this story. Aminu was the eldest in the family, with a younger brother named Kamilu and their little sister, Amal.

Life is full of challenges, as everyone knows. Even if you're not struggling financially, you might face issues related to love or other difficulties. Such was the fate that befell Aminu. In 2024, Aminu registered for JAMB in order to continue his education beyond secondary school. When the examination slip was issued, JAMB sent him to Funtuwa, a town in Katsina state, to take the test. He was assigned to a school called Al-Hikma. However, Aminu didn’t know anyone in Funtuwa, despite being from Katsina state. He came from a small village under Katsina’s local government, with no acquaintances in Funtuwa. With no other choice, Aminu packed his belongings and prepared for the journey to Funtuwa. After getting ready, he headed to the motor park to catch a vehicle to Katsina city.

The sound of the car horn filled the air as the driver parked at the city station. Aminu disembarked along with the other passengers and boarded another vehicle heading to Funtuwa. He was fortunate that the car quickly filled up, allowing them to begin their journey. Aminu was not the type to engage in much conversation with strangers, but someone eventually started a conversation with him. The man asked, “My_friend, are_you from_Funtuwa as_well?” Aminu_replied, “No, I'm just going there for an exam.” They chatted briefly, and the conversation began to stretch out. The man, named Saminu, then started telling Aminu a story about water spirits, known in Hausa as *yan-ruwa* or *mutanen ruwa*. 

kuruciya complete hausa novel part 2

Saminu began his tale: "There was a man named Jumbo who owned a sugarcane farm. There was nothing in the world Jumbo loved more than his farm. That year, he worked hard to tend to the farm, and the sugarcane grew beautifully. Jumbo’s farm was by the edge of a river. After a few days, strange things started happening. Every morning, Jumbo would find parts of his farm destroyed. Despite staying on the farm until late in the afternoon, he would always come back the next day to find the damage. He decided to figure out what was going on, so one day, after finishing his work, he pretended to leave but secretly returned after five minutes. Before he reached the farm, he heard voices saying, ‘ATANYE, SHSHSH, ATANYE, SHSHSH.’"

At this point, Saminu turned to Aminu and asked, “Do you know what that is?” Aminu replied, “No, I don’t.” Saminu continued, "Every day after Jumbo finished his work, water spirits would come out and damage his farm. They would break off sugarcane stalks, eat half of some, and leave others untouched. Among them was a blind spirit, and they would lead him to a spot in the farm, bringing him about seven sugarcane stalks. After eating, the blind spirit would check with his hands and, if only three stalks remained, he would shout, ‘SHSHSH, ATANYE, SHSHSH,’ asking for more sugarcane. Jumbo felt like laughing but remembered how much trouble he had endured. So he climbed a nearby tree, picked three long sticks, and charged into the farm. The water spirits fled in fear, leaving the blind one behind, still calling out, ‘SHSHSH, ATANYE, SHSHSH.’ Jumbo caught the blind spirit and began beating him with the sticks. The spirit screamed, ‘Woe, woe, I won’t come back!’ After giving the spirit a sound thrashing, Jumbo carried him to the road and left him there before going home."

Saminu continued his story, "The next day, people found the blind spirit on the road and took him to the hospital. After recovering, he disappeared. His friends asked him, ‘Zulkiflu, where did they take you?’ He replied, ‘WUSHU WUSHU,’ meaning the hospital. From that day onward, Jumbo’s farm was left in peace, and the destruction stopped." 

Aminu and the other passengers in the vehicle burst into laughter. 

When they arrived in Funtuwa, Saminu boarded another vehicle to continue his journey, while Aminu headed to a neighborhood called Kantudu, where the examination center was located. By the time he arrived, it was already late, and Aminu began asking people if there was a place where he could spend the night. However, everyone told him there was no available space. Just as Aminu was about to give up, he heard a sweet voice call out to him from behind. When he turned around, he saw a beautiful young lady. She was fair-skinned, tall, and had a well-formed figure, with sharp features and a striking presence. She_asked him, “Young_man, are_you a visitor?” He responded, “Yes.” She then_said, “Would_you follow_me?” Without_asking any_further questions, Aminu_started following_her.

kuruciya complete hausa novel part 3

"They_started their_journey, with his_heart pounding_because of_how_beautiful the_girl was. He didn’t feel fear until he saw her approach a large house. When she arrived, he saw the gate open, and the guard greeted her, saying, 'Welcome, little madam.' She told Aminu to come in. He entered the house, and she gave him a nice place to stay, something he had never experienced before in his life. Aminu had many questions in his mind, but she looked at him and said, 'I know you have questions, but wait until tomorrow, then we will talk. Let me get you some food.' When she returned, he told her that he had come for an exam, which would start at 8 a.m. the next day. She said, 'Don’t worry, just rest now, and we will talk tomorrow.'

There is a saying: You plan, but God also has His plans. This girl was named Fatima, a rich girl who lived with her mother, as she was an orphan. Fatima had a habit of going out after the Maghrib prayer to give charity to beggars, and it so happened that she met someone in need. From the moment Fatima laid eyes on Aminu, she felt something stir in her heart, though she couldn’t understand what it was. Seeing Aminu made her feel very happy.

After Aminu finished what he was doing, he lay down to rest, as he was very tired. He soon fell into a deep sleep. On Fatima’s side, she couldn’t stop thinking about him: 'A young man as handsome as that, yet he can’t afford to stay in a hotel.' She was feeling something for him, but she still couldn’t answer her own questions. Was it love, or what? Fatima kept asking herself until sleep overtook her.

kuruciya complete hausa novel last part 

'Fatima! Fatima!' It was her mother calling. She woke up suddenly. 'Yes, Mom?' 'Get up, it’s already 10 a.m., and I don’t think you’ve even prayed yet.' Only then did she realize that it was already morning. Her heart sank—could it be that the guest had already left? She asked her mom. Her mother replied, 'What guest? This morning someone came to greet me and even thanked me. I thought it was Musa’s friend who does our laundry because Musa also came and picked up the clothes this morning.' 'Oh no! I’m in trouble,' Fatima exclaimed. 'Mom, it was my guest. He came to town yesterday looking for a place to stay. He has an exam today at the Intercontinental Schools Center.' In a panic, Fatima got up and went to the bathroom. Her mother was surprised, as Fatima was not usually one to be concerned about men. But now, here she was, rushing because of a guest.

Before you could say much, Fatima had already reached the premises of Intercontinental Schools, searching for the guest whose name she didn’t even know. She looked_around, hoping to see_him, but he_was nowhere_to be_found. She started asking people in line, and some told her that there were people inside taking the exam. She felt relieved and waited for about an hour. Then the test-takers started coming out. It was as if someone told her to look in a certain direction, and she spotted Aminu. Overwhelmed with joy, she rushed toward him. Aminu, surprised, smiled at her before he even realized it. He recognized her, and she returned his smile. He said, 'Good morning.' With a respectful tone, she responded, 'No, I should be the one greeting you.' She added, 'You left without saying goodbye.' Aminu replied, 'I woke up late and was in a rush, afraid that...,' but before he could finish, she said, 'I understand.'

'I’m very grateful,' said this handsome young man, 'but I still don’t know your name.' 'My name is Fatima. What about you?' 'Aminu Adamu,' he answered. They began chatting, and Aminu gradually realized that Fatima had started to develop feelings for him, though he wasn’t sure. However, he noticed signs of affection in her. 'I’m going to head back to my town now. I know my mother is waiting for me, as I told her I would return today,' Aminu said. Fatima's face fell with worry, and she quickly said, 'Are you leaving so soon? It’s as if someone is chasing you away.' 'No, not at all. I just want to return home early,' he replied.

Fatima persuaded Aminu to stay one more night, showing him care and respect. In the end, when it became clear that something special was happening, he decided to confess his feelings for her. His heart urged him to be cautious, but eventually, he said, 'Actually, I plan to leave tomorrow.' With newfound courage, he told Fatima how he felt. Overjoyed, she accepted his love. Thus, these two young souls, Aminu and Fatima, dove into the waters of love together. Fatima’s mother was happy to see her daughter so joyful and began to like Aminu because of his good manners.

By the grace of God, they soon arranged a visit to Aminu's hometown. Aminu’s parents met with Fatima’s mother, and Fatima’s hand was given in marriage to Aminu. They celebrated the wedding, and Fatima was taken to her husband’s home. Eventually, Fatima's mother handed over the management of their business to her son-in-law, Aminu. Now, they are happily_living their life_together. This brings us to the end of the story of youthful love. If you wish, feel free to explore other stories in our collection for more entertainment."

Hausa Version

kuruciya complete hausa novel part 1 

Acan wani gari cikin garuruwan arewacin Najeriya. Anyi wani saurayi mai suna Aminu, Aminu ya kasance baki ne haka, irin namijin da ake kira da wankan tarwada, dogo ne, amma tsayin nasa ba sosai ba, sannan a yanzu haka da nake maka wannan rubutu Aminu ya cika shekara Ashirin da biyu. Wato ya cika cikakken saurayi. Ayi sani cewa wannan labari namu mai suna kuruciya complete hausa novel kirkirarre ne, amma mun rubuta shi saboda a koyi darussan rayuwa musamman ga matasa. 

Aminu yana cikin wahalhalun rayuwa, domin gidansu ba wasu masu karfi bane, amma duk da haka, asirin su a rufe yake, sai dai wataran haka suke wuni ba tareda an dora koda gwangwani a murhun gidansu ba. Mamansu wacce suke cewa Inna mace ce mai matukar kirki gata da hakuri. A koda yaushe tana iya bakin kokarinta domin ganin ta rufawa gidanta asiri, dalili kuwa shine mahaifin su Aminu tun suna kananan yara ya rasu. Ita ta raini yayanta iya kwarkwado kuma ta basu tarbiyya mai kyau, dole mu yabi Inna ta labarin kuruciya novel. Aminu shine babba a gidansu, yana da kani mai bi masa mai suna Kamilu sai kuma yar auta wacce suke cewa Amal.

Rayuwa akwai wahalhalu da yawa a cikinta kowa yasan da wannan, domin koda ba kai rashin kudi ba, tofa zaka iya rasa sukuni sakamakon wasu dalilai kodai na soyayya ko kuma wani abu daban. To haka wata kaddara ta fada wa aminu. A shekara ta dubu biyu da ashirin da hudu Aminu yayi rajistar JAMB domin cigaba da karatunsa zuwa matakin gaba da sakandire, bayan Slip ya fita hukumar jamb ta turashi garin Funtuwa dake jihar katsina domin yin jarabawa, inda aka turashi wata makaranta mai suna Al-hikma. 

To sadaukin labarin namu na kuruciya complete hausa novel wato Aminu bashi da kowa wanda ya sani a Funtua, duk da cewa shi dan jihar katsina ne, bashi da wani ko wata wanda ya sani domin kuwa garinsu wani karamin gari ne dake karkashin karamar hukumar katsina. Babu wani zabi haka Aminu ya hada kayansa da duk abinda zai bukata domin zuwa Funtuwa. Bayan ya shirya tsaf ya nufi tashar mota wacce zata shiga dashi cikin gari wato cikin babban birnin katsina. 

Bam karan hon din motar kenan, yayinda direba ke fakin a tashar cikin gari. Aminu ya sauka tareda da sauran fasinjoji domin hawa sabuwar motar da zata kaishi zuwa Funtuwa. Ai kuwa yayi dace domin kuwa da zuwansa da cikar motar. Nan fa sauran jama'ar kuruciya complete hausa novel suka kama hanyar tafiya. Aminu ba mutum ne wanda ya cika surutu da mutanen da bai saba dasu ba, amma sai da wani mutum ya soma bashi labari. Saminu yace abokina kaima dan Funtuwa ne? Aminu yace a'a wallahi, zanje zana jarabawa ne. Nan dai suka dan fara hira kadan kadan, har abin ya soma tsayi. 

Anan ne Saminu yake bawa Aminu labarin wasu mutanen ruwa, abinda hausawa ke nufi da yan-ruwa ko mutanen ruwa shine (Aljanun ruwa). Nan fa Saminu na labarin kuruciya hausa novel ya soma. " Akwai wani mutum mai suna Jumbo wanda keda gonar rake, duk duniya babu abinda Jumbo yake so kamar gonarsa ta rake, domin a wannan shekara ma yayi aiki sosai ya gyara gona tayi abin kirki, rake ta girma. To Aminu gonar jumbo a bakin wani tafkin ruwa take, bayan wasu yan kwanaki da fara nunar rake, kullum sai Jumbo yazo da sassafe amma sai yaga anyi masa barna, kuma shi dai yaga kullum idan yazo gona baya tafiya sai bayan sallar la'asar amma duk da haka washe gari idan yazo sai yaga anyi masa barna. 

kuruciya complete hausa novel part 2

Haka Jumbo ya dinga tunanin ta hanyar da zai kama barayin rakensa, ai kuwa dabara ta fado masa, a ranar ya yanke shawarar ba zai koma gida ba, zai zauna har dare. To bayan ya gama ayyukansa kamar yadda ya saba sai ya hada kayansa tsaf na aiki ya kama hanya kamar ya tafi. Can bayan kamar minti biyar sai ya zagaye ya dawo. Haba wa ai da zuwansa tun kafin ya karaso gona, yaji ana cewa -ATANYE- SHSHSH -ATANYE- SHSHSSH. 

Aminu kasan menene? kuwa Aminu yace a'a, kullum bayan ya gama aiki wasu mutanen ruwa ne ke fitowa su shiga gonarsa su dinya yi masa barna, sai dai kaga sun karya wannan sandar rake sun sha rabi, wannan kuma basu sha ba, to a cikinsu akwai wani makaho, shi kuma dakko shi suke su kaishi wata inuwa a gonar, su kawo masa sandar rake kamar guda bakwai, wannan makaho idan yasha rake yasha rake, yasa hannu ya laluba ya laluba yaji saura kamar sanda uku na rake, sai kaji ya soma SHSHSH -ATANYE SHSHSH ATANYE- wai yana nufin ya shanye yanuwansa su karo. Jumbo sai yaji kamar yayi dariya, amma sai ya tuna irin wahalar da yasha. 

Nan da nan ya hau wata bishiya dake kusa ya tsinko wasu bulalai guda uku wasu tsayi, ya shiga gona da gudu, sai ko mutanen ruwa suka soma gudu, wayyo wayyo ga mai gona nan, duka suka dinga fadawa cikin ruwa suna nutsewa, Can suka bar makaho a inuwa yana SHSHSH -ATANYE- SHSHSH, ai kuwa jumbo yana zuwa ya samu wannan makaho da bulala ya dinga tsula mata, yana ihu washhh wayyo wayyo wallahi ba zan kara zuwa ba, saida Jumbo ya zane shi ciki da bai, sannan ya daukeshi ya kaishi kan hanya ya jefar yayi tafiyarsa.

Haka dai Saminun kuruciya novel ya cigaba da bawa Aminu labari "washe gari wasu mutane suka tsinci mutum akan hanya suka kaishi asibiti, bayan ya warke suka neme shi suka rasa. Bayan ya dawo gida abokansa suke tambayarsa, ZULKIFLU ina aka kaika ne? sai yace wallahi WUSHU WUSHU, wato wai yana nufin asibiti. Tun daga wannan rana Jumbo ya samu salama, ba'a kara yi masa barna ba. Nan Aminu da sauran yan mota suka dinga dariya"

Bayan su Aminu sun sauka a Funtuwa, Saminu ya kara hawa wata motar domin zuwa garinsu, Aminu kuma ya kama hanyar wata unguwa da ake cewa Kantudu inda anan ne center din jarabawarsa take. Bayan ya karasa kuma gashi dare yayi, nan fa Aminu ya dinga tambayar mutane ko zai samu wajen kwana, amma kowa sai yace babu. Aminu har ya fitar da rai, sai yaji wata daddadar murya ana kiransa ta baya da juyawarsa yayi tozali da wata kyakkywar budurwa, fara ce, sannan gata doguwa, da kirjinta ya cika wato ta cika budurwa, tana da hanci mai tsini, sannan gaba daya dirinta mai kyau ne. Ta cewa Aminu "Samari ince kai bako ne? ya amsa da eh. Ko zaka iya biyo ni, shi dai bai tambayeta ba, kawai ya soma binta a baya. 

kuruciya complete hausa novel part 2

Nan fa suka kama hanya, gabansa nata faduwa saboda tsananin kyawun yarinyar, bai ji tsoro ya kara kama shi ba, saida yaga ta tunkari wani katafaren gida. Da zuwanta yaga an bude gate, mai gadin yana cewa barka da zuwa karamar hajiya. Ta cewa Aminu ya shigo. Haka ya danna kai cikin gida. Ta bashi wajen kwana mai kyau wanda tunda yake a rayuwarsa bai taba kwana a irinsa ba. Aminu yana da tambayoyi da dama a cikin ransa. Sai ta kalleshi tace nasan kanada tambayoyi amma ka bari zuwa gobe zamu tattauna, bari na kawo ma abinci. Bayan ta dawo yake gaya mata shifa jarabawa yazo kuma karshe 8 na safe ne. Tace karka damu, ka huta yanzu goben sai muyi magana.

Yan magana suka ce kana naka Allah na nashi, Ita dai wannan budurwa sunanta Fatima, yarinya ce yar masu kudi, kuma marainiya ce daga ita sai mamanta suke zaune cikin wannan gida nasu. Fatima nada wani hali na fita kullum bayan sallar magariba domin rabawa mabarata sadaka. Kuma sai gashi tayi kacibus da mai bukatar taimako. Tun a lokacin da Fatima tayi ido biyu da Aminu taji wani ya soki zuciyarta, amma bata gane mene hakan ba, kuma ganin Aminu yana sata cikin farinciki sosai. 

Bayan Aminu ya gama abinda zai yi ya kwanta domin ya huta, domin ya gaji sosai. A haka har bacci mai nauyi ya daukeshi, Ata bangaren Fatima kuwa abin ne ya tsaya mata a zuciya "ace saurayi kamar kyakkyawa bashi da kudin kama hotel" gashi ita kuma tana jin wani abu a kansa amma har yanzu ta kasa bawa kanta amsa. Shin wai so ne ko kuma me? haka Fatima ta cigaba da tambayar kanta har bacci ya debe jarumar kuruciya hausa novel.

Fatima_Fatima, Mamanta ce ke kiranta, firgigi ta tashi daga bacci, na'am ummah. Ki tashi mana yanzu karfe goma fa kuma inaga ko sallah in kinyi. Ah, ai sai a wannan lokaci sannan ta gane cewa wai ashe gari ya waye tun dazu, nan fa taji gabanta ya fadi, kar dai ace wannan bakon ya tafi? haka ta tambayi ummanta. Umma tace "wane bako kuma? da safiyar nan dai wani yazo ya gaishe dani har yamin godiya, to ni nayi tunanin abokin Musa mai mana wanki da guga ne, domin shima Musan yazo da safiyar na ya karba kayanki. Wayyo na shiga uku, haka Fatima ta fada, wallahi mama bakona ne, jiya yazo garin nan yana neman wajen kwana, yau zaiji jarabawa a center din Intercontinental schools. Cikin firgici Fatima ta tashi ta shiga ban-daki, mamanta tayi mamakin ganin yarta a haka. Yarinyar da tasan maza basu wani dameta ba, yau gashi tana sauri akan wani bako.  

kuruciya complete hausa novel part 3

Ai kafin kace me tuni Fatima ta isa harabar Intercontinental schools, ta fita tana wannan bako wanda ko sunansa bata sani ba, haka ta dinga dube-dube ko zata yi dace amma ina ko alamunsa babu. Sai kawai ta soma tambayar mutanen wajen wanda ke kan layi, sai wasu suke ce mata ai akwai wasu a ciki suna exam. Sai taji zuciyarta tayi sanyi, nan ta tsaya jira har bayan awa daya. Masu jarabawa sun soma fitowa, can kuwa kamar ance kalli nan, ta hango Aminu,, cikin wani gagarumin farinciki ta nufi inda yake. 

Cikin mamaki aminu yake kallonta zuciyarsa na cigaba da dukan uku-uku bai san lokacin da yayi mata murmushi ba, domin kuwa ya ganeta, ta mayar masa da martanin murmushi. 
Cewa yayi "ina kwana? cikin yanayin girmamawa tace "yallabi kai zan cewa ina kwana" shine kuma kawai ka taho bako sallama ko, cewa yayi wallahi na tashi daga bacci ne a makare, kuma ina tsoron.... ai kafin ya gama tace na fahimta. Ina matukar godiya yake wannan kyakkyawa domin har yanzu bansan sunanki ba. Sunana Fatima, kai fa? Aminu Adamu cewarsa. Nan dai suka soma hira a hankali, ai cikin kwanciyar hankali Aminu ya fahimci Fatima kawai ta soma son sa, duk da bai tabbatar ba, amma yaga alamun haka a tattare da ita. Nifa zan kama hanyar komawa garinmu domin nasan mamana tana can tana jirana, domin nace mata yau zan dawo. Fatima ta dan yamutse fuska cikin damuwa, tace da sauri haka, kamar ana korarka. Wallahi a'a kawai dai ina son komawa gida da wuri ne.

Haka Fatima ta lallaba Aminu har ya amince zai kara kwana, a wannan Aminu kulawa da girmamawa gamida mutuntawa. A karshe kuwa da yaga abun yayi yawa, ya yanke shawarar yace yana sonta tunda yaga fuska, zuciyarsa tace karfa a samu matsala, sai yace ahaf ni da gobe ma zanyi tafiyata. Cikin kwarin gwiwa ya sanar da Fatima, Cikin farinciki mara misaltuwa ta karbi soyayyarsa. Haka wannan jarumai na kuruciya suka shiga ruwan soyayya suka dinga ninkaya. Maman Fatima tana son ganin yarta cikin farinciki hakan yasa ta soma son Aminu saboda yana da tarbiyya. Kasan aikin wanda Allah ya horewa nan da nan aka kai su maman Fatima, Aminu da Fatima garin su Aminu. Iyayen Aminu suka gana da mahaifiyar Fatima, kuma ta bayar da auren Fatima ga Aminu.

Aka sha biki aka kai amarya gidan mijinta kamar wasa, haka mahaifiyar Fatima ta mika ragamar kasuwancinsu ga mijin Fatima. Yanzu haka suna can suna rayuwarsu. Anan muka kawo karshen labari na kuruciya complete hausa novel. idan da bukata ka iya duba wasu labaran domin nishanduwa a wannan gida namu.

Importance things from the kuruciya novel

1. Be kind; Always it's good to be kind to people you don't know in your life

2. Be patient; patient is a good thing for every one to stay everywhere

3. Most of the times succes is a matter of luck

4. Don't be pride or arrogant to people like how Fatima treating strangers

5. Don't be selfish like Fatima, she like to gave out to needers

6. Always be simple like Aminu and don't ask many questions on something that not concern you.

7. Don't take something that is not yours like Zulkiflu friends 

8. Take care of something that you own with your right hand

9. Respect and be kind to everyone like Aminu irrespective of their gender 

10. As a parents make sure to take care of your children like Aminu and Fatima's mothers