Karamin yaro hausa novel

Karamin yaro hausa novel and reviews 

Karamin yaro hausa novel

Salisu Fuma’s novel follows the journey of Yasir, a young boy known for his disobedience and reckless behavior. The story takes us through his early years, where he constantly rebels against authority, causing trouble both at home and in the neighborhood. Yasir's rebellious nature earned him the nickname “karamin yaro mai kunnen Æ™ashi” (the little boy with a hard head). His wild behavior, including chasing animals and fighting other children, set the stage for a chaotic childhood.


The central theme of the novel revolves around personal growth and transformation. Yasir, though starting as a troublesome boy who refuses to listen, gradually grows into a more responsible adult. His journey from a disobedient child to a mature businessman shows that even the most difficult children can change with the right circumstances and guidance. 

Another theme is family loyalty. Throughout the story, despite his misbehavior, Yasir demonstrates loyalty to his family, especially his younger sister Sadiya, whom he defends fiercely. His actions, though misguided, stem from a deep sense of protection for his loved ones.

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Plot Overview

The novel's plot is relatively simple, focusing primarily on Yasir’s mischievous activities and how his behavior evolves over time. While the story begins with Yasir disobeying his parents, fighting other children, and chasing birds and animals, his eventual relocation to Kano for Islamic education (almajiranci) marks a turning point. Here, Yasir matures and begins working, saving money, and eventually establishing his business, Karamin Yaro Investment. 

Salisu Fuma paints a vivid picture of Yasir’s transformation into a responsible adult, who returns to his hometown to care for his family and even helps those in need. Yasir’s eventual marriage to a well-mannered city woman and the birth of his son complete his journey from a rebellious boy to a respectable man.

Author’s Intent

Through Yasir’s story, Salisu Fuma appears to deliver a message about the potential for change and redemption. Yasir, who begins life as an outcast due to his behavior, is not written off by society. Instead, with time and experience, he finds his way and becomes a productive member of his community. The novel suggests that every individual has the capacity to change, and even the most unruly children can grow into responsible adults with the right environment and support.

Another message might be about the power of perseverance. Despite Yasir’s humble beginnings and his struggles with discipline, he works his way up, builds a business, and secures a stable life. His ability to rise above his past reflects the idea that success comes through determination and hard work, regardless of where one starts.

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Personal Reflection

The novel is a straightforward yet insightful look at the life of a young boy navigating the complexities of childhood and societal expectations. Yasir’s character development is compelling because it shows a realistic transformation—from wild to wise—rather than an overnight change. The simplicity of the story is part of its charm, offering readers a lesson in patience, family loyalty, and the belief that people can always improve.

Overall, Salisu Fuma’s novel highlights important values, including the importance of family, perseverance, and personal growth, all through the lens of a character many readers can relate to or recognize in their own communities.

Karamin yaro part 1

Yasir was a disobedient boy, known in Hausa as 'mai kunnen Æ™ashi' (hard-headed). Due to his stubbornness, he would spend his days killing lizards or catching birds. There wasn't a mischief that Yasir wouldn't commit. One morning, as usual, his father was at home listening to the morning news on the BBC radio station. 

Yasir called his younger sister, Sadiya! Sadiya! She came running. He told her to go outside and check if there was power (from NEPA). As soon as Sadiya stepped outside, Yasir ran after her, asking, "Is there power?". His father, observing all this, remarked, "This boy thinks he can outsmart me," then smiled and continued with his activities. Yasir was known for causing trouble. As soon as he left the house, it was only a matter of time before someone reported that he had gotten into a fight. This is why people in the neighborhood feared him. 

Because of his relentless misbehavior, the people in his community nicknamed him 'the little boy with a hard head.' Though small, Yasir could cause trouble that even an adult would find difficult to handle. After leaving the house, Yasir didn’t go far; he headed straight for the bush, where he went to catch birds. He chased a bird, running after it, trying to catch it. But no matter how hard he tried, the small boy couldn’t catch the bird. After getting tired, Yasir gave up and began walking back home. On his way, he came across another boy, Jazuli, whom he had a grudge against. Without thinking twice, Yasir chased after Jazuli like a hunter chasing his prey, determined to catch him. When Yasir finally caught Jazuli, he beat him up as if he were an older sibling disciplining a younger one. Jazuli returned home crying, and his older brother came out to seek Yasir. 

Karamin yaro part 2

He searched for him all the way to Yasir’s house but didn’t find him. After giving up, Jazuli's brother decided to head back home. As he walked, he encountered Yasir. Without hesitation, he ran after Yasir, intent on catching and beating him. Yasir, knowing what was coming, took off running, and soon they were sprinting through the town. On that day, Jazuli's brother realized that Yasir was incredibly fast, like a rabbit. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t catch Yasir, and eventually, he gave up. Panting, Yasir stopped to catch his breath and found a spot to rest. 

As he sat, a goat passed by, and just like that, he started chasing it again. This was Yasir’s way of life—constantly chasing things and never listening. The next morning, Yasir's mother sent him off to school, but he sneaked away to go catch birds in the bush again. After a lot of effort, he caught twelve birds and sold them to a woman who bought them. With the money he earned, he went about his day. When he finally returned home, his mother asked him why he was late coming back from school. Just as he was about to answer, his younger sister Sadiya entered, crying. In a flash, Yasir jumped up and asked, “Who hit you?” She replied, “It was Aliyu, Malam Audu’s son.” Immediately, Yasir ran out of the house. 

He went straight to where the children were playing and found Aliyu. Without hesitation, he started hitting him, only stopping when Aliyu cried. After beating him, Yasir returned home and proudly told Sadiya, “Stop crying, I’ve avenged you.” Even though what Yasir did was wrong, his mother felt a sense of satisfaction. She brought him food and prayed, “May Allah guide you, Yasir.” When their father returned home, Aliyu’s mother came to complain about Yasir beating her son. Yasir’s father apologized to her and promised that he would discipline Yasir. After she left, instead of beating Yasir, his father simply told him to stop hitting other people’s children. 

Karamin yaro last part 

But Yasir’s behavior only got worse. His father, having had enough, sent him to an Islamic school (almajiranci) in Kano. There, Yasir began to mature, although some of his bad habits persisted. However, he did start learning Islamic teachings. 

Life is full of destiny, and each person has their own. Yasir eventually met a wealthy woman in Kano, whose house he would visit daily to wash dishes. She paid him well for his work, and Yasir began to save a lot of money. Slowly, Yasir started his own business, selling fabric like shadda (a traditional Hausa cloth), and other fashionable items. He set up shop at the Kwari market in Kano and named his business ‘Karamin Yaro Investment’ (The Little Boy Investment). 

By the time of this story, Yasir had completed building his house and was looking for a wife. Every two or three months, Yasir would return to his hometown to visit his mother and the rest of his family. He also visited his sister Sadiya, who was now married, bringing her gifts. His family blessed him for his good deeds. No one could have imagined that Yasir would become such a responsible adult. He also didn’t forget his hometown, helping those in need. With the wealth Yasir had accumulated, it wasn’t long before he found a calm, city-bred woman to marry. Yasir and his wife lived in peace and happiness. Two years later, his wife became pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, whom Yasir named after his father.

Karamin yaro part 1

Yaro ne mara jin magana, wato wanda hausawa suke cewa 'mai kunnen Æ™ashi' Yasir saboda tsabar rashin jinsa kullum shine kashe kadangaru shine yawon kama tsuntsaye. Babu wani abu na rashin jin magana wanda Yasir baya yi. Kamar yadda Yasir ya saba, da safiyar yau babansa yana gida yana jin labaran safe a tashar rediyo ta BBC. 

Yasir ya kira sunan Æ™anwarsa Sadiya! Sadiya! se gata ta rugo da gudu. Yace mata kije waje ki leka kiga akwai wutar Nepa, bayan Sadiya ta shiga soron gidan sai Yasir ya bita da gudu yan cewa ya? akwai ne. Bayan sunje kofar gidan sai yace ta dawo gida shi kuma ya gudu yawonsa. Sai babansa yace wai ni yaron nan zai yiwa wayo kawai yayi murmushi sannan ya cigaba da harkokin gabansa. Ga Yasir da cin zali, yanzun nan danka na fita za kaji an doko shi, wannan dalilin ne yasa mutanen unguwa suke tsoron Yasir. 

Saboda tsabar rashin jin maganar Yasir yasa yan unguwarsu suka saka masa suna karamin yaro mai kunnen Æ™ashi. Gashi karami fa amma abinda zai iya aikatawa ko wani babban bazai iya ba. Bayan Yasir ya fita daga gida bai zame ko ina ba sai jeji inda ya tafi kamo tsuntsaye, haka yabi wani tsuntsu da gudu wai zai kama, suka dinga guje guje da karamin yaro, amma karamin yaro ya kasa kama wannan tsuntsu. 

Karamin yaro part 2

Da Yasir ya gaji kuma gashi ya kasa kama wannan tsuntsu sai ya hakura sannan ya kama hanyar komawa gida. Ai tun akan hanya ya haÉ—u da wani yaro wanda yake jin haushi, nan fa yabi wannan yaro mai suna Jazuli da gudu, yadda kasan mafarauci ya biyo abinda yake son kamawa, haka ya cigaba da bin yaron nan. Allah yaba Yasir sa'a nan fa ya kama Jazuli, ya zane shi yadda kasan wani yayansa. 

 Haka Jazuli ya koma gida yana kuka, nan fa shima yayan Jazuli ya fito neman Yasir, har kofar gidan su Yasir amma bai ganshi ba. Bayan ya hakura da neman karamin yaro sai ya kamo hanya zai tafi, ai yana cikin tafiyar nan sai suka ci karo da karamin, haba shima yabi Yasir da mugun gudu wai yana son kama shi ya dake shi, haka suka zuba tsere suka shiga cikin gari, a ranar nan yayan Jazuli ya gane Allah É—aya ne, domin yadda kasan ya biyo doki, karamin yaro shegen gudu ne dashi tamkar zomo. Haka dan dole yayan Jazuli ya rabu da Yasir. Karamin yaro yana haki ya tsaya, ya samu waje yana hutawa, ai yana zaunan nan sai ga wata akuya tazo wucewa kawai ya Æ™ara binta da gudu, shifa Yasir haka yake rayuwarsa yacce kasan dan biri, kwata kwata baya jin magana. 

Washe gari kuma da safe mamansa ta turashi makaranta amma ya sille ya gudu kamun fara jeji. Bayan yasha wahala ya kamo guda sha biyu, sannan ya dawo gida ya siyarwa da wata mata me siyan fara. Ya samu kuÉ—in kashewa sannan yayi gaba abinsa. Bayan ya koma gida mamansa ke tambayarsa ina ya tsaya bai dawo daga makaranta da wuri, ya bude baki zai yi magana saiga Æ™anwarsa Sadiya ta shigo tana kuka. Cikin sauri karamin yaro ya tashi ke waye ya dakeki, tace ba Aliyu ne dan gidan malam audu ba, ai fa nan da nan karamin yaro ya tashi da gudu ya fita waje, bai zame ko ina ba sai inda yara ke wasa, anan ya kama Aliyu ya soma duka saida Aliyu yayi kuka sannan ya kyale shi. 

Karamin yaro last part 

Bayan ya gama dukan Aliyu ya koma gida inda ya cewa Sadiya ki daina kuka na rama miki. Duk da abinda karamin yaro yayi ba dai dai bane amma mamansa taji daÉ—i. Ta kawo masa abinci tace Allah ya shirye ka Yasir, bayan babansu ya dawo saiga maman su Aliyu ta kawo korafin dukan É—anta da karamin yaro, nan baban su Yasir ya bata hakuri sannan yace sai ya zane karamin yaro. 

Bayan ta fita bai daki Yasir ya dai ce masa ya daina dukan ya'yan mutane. Kullum abin Yasir gaba yake kara yi dan haka babansa ya kaishi almajiranci Kano. Anan Yasir ya soma girma yana hankali duk da wani abun bai daina ba, amma yana karatunsa na addini. To kasan kaddarar rayuwa kowa da irin tasa. Domin kuwa Yasir Allah ya hada shi da wata matar mai kudi wacce yake zuwa gidanta yana mata wanke wanke kullum, ita kuma tana biyanshi haka karamin yaro ya tara Æ™udade da yawa. 

 A hankali shima ya soma kasuwancinsa na siyar da shadda, yaduka, da sauran kayan sawa na gayu. yanzu haka yana kasuwar kwari dake Kano inda ya sawa sunan shagonsa Karamin yaro investment. Yanzu haka a labarin da nake baka ya gama ginin gidansa yana neman matar aure. Kamar yadda yake yi duk bayan wata biyu ko uku yana zuwa garinsu domin ganin mamansa, ya kanje domin ziyartan mamansa da sauran danginsa, harma yaje gidan da Æ™anwarsa Sadiya tayi aure itama ya kai mata ziyara harma da kayan tsaraba. 

Gaba daya danginsa suna saka masa albarka akan halayen na kirki. Amma da waya taba tsammanin Yasir zai yi hankali. Yan garinsu bai barsu a baya ba domin yana taimakawa masu bukatar taimako. Kasan abu da kuÉ—i ai tuni karamin yaro ya samu matar aure, nutsattsiya yar birni yayi aurensa. Yasir yana zaune da matarsa cikin zaman lafiya da jindadi. Bayan shekara biyu ta samu juna biyu inda ta haifa masa yaro kyakkyawa, ya saka masa sunan babansa.