Jarababben namiji complete hausa novel

Jarababben namiji complete hausa and reviews

Jarababben namiji complete hausa novel

The novel by Sadiya Maitama offers a deep exploration of love, family dynamics, and the complexities of relationships. It narrates the life of a young woman who, from a tender age, excelled in school and was loved and supported by her parents. However, the story takes a heartbreaking turn when her mother dies during childbirth, leaving the protagonist to face life’s challenges alongside her father and later her younger brother.

The core of the novel delves into the concept of a "jarababben namiji" (a stubborn or strong-willed man). Through her relationship with Abdussalam, the male lead, the author paints a picture of a man who, despite his flaws, is dedicated to his wife and family. The protagonist's internal conflict with Abdussalam’s stubborn nature is portrayed with nuance, reflecting the struggles many women face in balancing love, respect, and the difficulties of living with a strong-willed partner.

One of the key strengths of the novel is how it navigates cultural expectations, portraying the intricacies of marriage and the traditional roles expected of women in Hausa society. Abdussalam’s character is fleshed out as a responsible man who provides for his family, yet his temperament often makes him difficult to live with. This conflict is depicted not as something to be feared but rather as part of the reality of marriage, where patience and understanding are paramount.

Sadiya Maitama’s storytelling is both engaging and reflective, capturing the essence of resilience, love, and compromise in a marriage. Her portrayal of the "jarababben namiji" gives readers a unique insight into the emotional and practical challenges that arise when living with a stubborn partner, yet the story ultimately conveys a message of hope, emphasizing that with love, patience, and understanding, even the most challenging relationships can be fulfilling.

The novel is rich in moral lessons, offering readers a chance to reflect on their own relationships and the importance of mutual respect and communication. The protagonist’s journey from a carefree girl to a responsible woman and wife mirrors the real-life transitions many women face, making the novel relatable and emotionally impactful.

In summary, this novel by Sadiya Maitama is not just a love story but also a thoughtful examination of human relationships and the trials and triumphs that come with them. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the balance between love, patience, and personal strength in marriage.

English Version

Does Frequent Quarreling at Home Mean a Man with a Strong Libido (Jarababben namiji) is Difficult to Live With?

This is a question we asked on our Facebook page, where many women shared their experiences of living with their husbands. Among them was one woman who gave us a detailed story about a man with a strong libido. She requested anonymity, but we still managed to credit her as the author of this new story, filled with lessons that will benefit you.

Jarababben namiji complete hausa novel (part 1)

Since I was a little girl, I was always very diligent in school. I always came first in every end-of-term exam. This made both my parents and teachers love me deeply, and they did everything in their power to provide me with everything I needed for my education.

Like any other day, on this Monday morning, my mother bathed me, dressed me, and helped me put on my school uniform. We then headed to the living room, where my father was already dressed, ready to leave for work. We sat down for breakfast, and my father asked me, "Khadija, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I smiled and said, "Daddy, I want to be a pilot." They both laughed. My father looked at my mother and said, "But your mother wants you to be a doctor." I laughed and said, "Really, Mama?"

After finishing our meal, we continued chatting, then left for school, where my father dropped me off before heading to work. My father was a modest man, but financially secure enough, as he worked as a government employee. My mother, as per the typical Hausa tradition and Islamic teachings, stayed home, although she was involved in business ventures with my aunt.

Fast forward 13 years, I had completed primary school and was now about to start junior secondary school. I had grown into a young woman, and my beauty was becoming more apparent. Though I wasn’t light-skinned, I was what people call a 'black beauty' and tall, with strikingly beautiful eyes that drew attention.

My father had a temper, but he was also very patient. Although he was labeled as a man with a strong libido, I knew he was patient. It was rare for him to get angry unless he was pushed to his limit. In my opinion, a man with a strong libido doesn’t necessarily have any significant flaws.

As I grew older, I started going to school on my own, though I no longer enjoyed it. The reason? I had noticed that my mother was pregnant, and I didn’t want her to struggle. I wanted to help her with household chores like washing dishes and sweeping. But Mama wouldn’t let me stay home, so I continued attending school reluctantly.

One day, my mother went into labor, and we rushed her to the hospital. After about two hours, she gave birth, but unfortunately, my mother passed away during childbirth. I cried my heart out, feeling like I would die from the grief. We returned home with my baby brother, who was named Halifa, and he was taken to live with my grandmother. I continued attending school, now 17 years old, and managed my life on my own, just my father and me at home.

Life changed drastically. By the time I turned 18, I had started university, studying microbiology at Bayero University. One evening, I returned home and waited for my father. Even after Maghrib (evening prayers), he still hadn't come home. I called his phone, but it was switched off. I kept trying, but no luck.

Jarababben namiji complete hausa novel (part 2)

Later, after I had fallen asleep, he finally came home. He found me sleeping and even covered me with a blanket because it was cold. That_night was_the last_time I ever_saw my_father. The next morning, I found that my father had passed away in his bed. It felt like I would die from the pain, and I cried endlessly. After his funeral, my grandmother took me and my brother Halifa in, and we continued living with her.

I kept pursuing my studies, as my uncle had taken responsibility for me. Many young men had shown interest in me, but I refused to start a relationship until I met a decent, hardworking man. I began a relationship with Abdussalam, and we had been dating for just two months when our wedding date was set for a month and a half away.

I had not faced many struggles in life before, and I prayed that I would live peacefully with my husband. However, one issue came up: in the short time I had been with Abdussalam, I realized he had a strong libido, and he was also very possessive. But despite this, he was kind and respected Allah's laws. Abdussalam was four years older than me, and I respected him deeply because he deserved it.

He now takes care of almost everything for me, from my clothes to my shoes. He is very patient, except when his desires take over, at which point he stops speaking to me. However, he never stops coming to me, which reassures me that Abdussalam truly loves me.

Dear sister, if you are reading this story about a man with a strong libido, know that I now have children with him, and he has never mistreated me. He does everything for me and our children without withholding anything, not even our home. If you realize your husband has a strong libido, my advice is that whenever you notice he’s upset, do not provoke him further. Whatever he_asks you_to do, just_do_it. A man with a strong libido is patient, except when pushed to his limit, at which point he becomes furious.

However, if you feel you cannot live with a man who has a strong libido, it’s better not to get married at all. Many men have tempers, although some are worse than others, and the root of most of their anger stems from the responsibilities of providing for a family.

Hausa Version

Shin yawan fada a cikin gida shike nuna cewa jarababben namiji bashi da dadin zama?. Wannan tambaya ce wanda muka yi a shafin mu na facebook. Inda mata da yawa suka turo mana yanayin yadda suke zama da mazajensu na aure. Sai dai a cikinsu akwai wacce ta bamu cikakken labarin jarababben namiji. Matar ta buƙaci mu sakaye sunanta amma duk da haka mun samu damar sanya sunanta a matsayin mawallafiyar wannan sabon labari namu mai cike da darussa wanda zasu amfane ku.

Jarababben namiji complete hausa novel part 1

Tun ina karamar yarinya na kasance inada matukar kokari a makaranta, domin duk jarabawar da ake karshen zangon karatu nike zuwa ta É—aya. Haka yasa iyayena da malamaina suke matukar sona sannan suna iya bakin kokarinsu domin suga sun samar min duk abinda nake bukata akan karatuna.

Kamar kowace rana, da safiyar yau Litinin mamana tayi min wanka, ta kimtsa ni sannan ta sakamin kayan makaranta. Muka fito zuwa falo inda na tarar da babana ya gama shiryawa shima zai wuce wajen aiki. Muka zauna muka yi karin kumallo, inda babana ke tambayata "Khadija idan kin girma me kike son ki zama ne" nayi murmushi nace "Daddy ina so na zama pilot" sai suka yi dariya, babana ya kalli mamana yace min "to ai mamanki so take ki zama likita" nayi dariya hmm da gaske mama?

A haka muna hira muka gama cin abinci, sannan muka wuce makaranta inda babana ya ajiye ni shi kuma ya wuce wajen aikinsa. Babana yanada rufin asiri dai dai kwarkwado domin ma'aikacin gwamnati ne, haka zalika mamana kuma kamar yadda al'adar malam bahaushe take da kuma koyarwar Islama kullum tana gida abinta, amma suna gudanar da kasuwanci ita da kawuna.

Yau shekara goma sha uku, domin na gama makarantar firamare zan shiga karamar sakandare, wato junior science. Yanzu na soma girma kyau na ya soma bayyana. duk da cewa ni ba fara bace amma irin yan'matan da ake cewa black beauty ce sannan inada tsayi gani da idanu dara dara masu kyau da jan hankali.

Babana akwai faÉ—a, amma yanada hakuri, irin wanda ake cewa jarababben namiji amma duk da haka Ni nasan yanada hakuri. Zai yi wuya ka ganshi yana faÉ—a akan wani abu amma idan aka kaishi bango to fa yana faÉ—a. Ni dai a tunanina jarababben namiji bashi da wani aibu.

Nayi wayo sosai domin yanzu da kaina nake zuwa makaranta, amma yanzu bana son zuwa makaranta, dalili kuwa na fuskanci mamana tanada juna biyu kuma bana so in ganta tana shan wahala, ina so inyi mata wanke-wanke inyi mata shara. Amma mama bata barina na zauna a gida, a haka nake tafiya ba dan ina so ba.

Jarababben namiji complete hausa novel last part 

Bayan wasu lokuta mamana ta soma nakuda muka tafi asibiti, bayan kamar awa biyu mamana ta haihu, sai dai nayi bakin ciki nayi kuka kamar zan mutu saboda mama ta rasa ranta yayin haihuwa. Haka muka dawo gida da kanina wanda aka sanya masa suna Halifa. Aka kaishi gidan kakata sannan ni kuma na cigaba da zuwa makaranta domin a lokacin na kai wajen shekara sha bakwai. Na girma ina iya yiwa kai na komai, daga ni sai mahaifina a gida haka muke rayuwarmu. Babana yana sona sosai nuna ina matukar kaunar mahaifina.

Rayuwa ta sauya sosai domin na soma jami'a ina yar shekara goma sha takwas, inda nake karantar microbiology program a Bayero University, wata rana na dawo gida da yamma, na zauna ina jiran baba. Har bayan magriba bai shigo gida ba, haka na zauna jiransa amma shiru, na dauki wayata na kira shi amma wayar a rufe, na kara gwadawa amma shiru.

Can bayan nayi bacci, sai gashi ya shigo ya ganni ina bacci, har ya samu mayafi ya rufeni saboda ana sanyi. Wannan dare shine ganin babana na karshe. Washe gari na tarar baba ya rasu akan gadonsa. Kamar zan mutu nayi kuka matuka. Bayan anyi masa sutura an kaishi an binne, da kwana bakwai na goma gidan kakata dama ita kaɗai ce sai ƙanina Halifa wanda kana ganinsa ka ganni kasan ɗan uwana ne na jini. Haka muka cigaba da zama a gidan kaka.

Na cigaba da karatuna domin kawuna ya dauki nauyi. Samari da dama sun nuna suna sona amma ban yarda na fara soyayya ba saida na samu mutumin kirki kuma saurayi mai aikin kansa sannan. Mun fara soyayya da Abdussalam baya da wata biyu kenan kuma yanzu ana zancen aurenmu nan da wata daya da rabi.

Ban sha wahalar rayuwa ba a baya, kuma haka na dinga addu'a na zauna lafiya da mijina. Sai dai wata matsala domin a yan kwanakin da muka yi soyayya da Abdussalam na fuskanci jarababben namiji ne, domin ya fiye mita. Kuma gashi kishi amma yanada kirki kuma yana girmama dokokin Allah. Abdussalam ya bani shekara hudu a duniya kuma nima ina girmama shi domin ya cancanci hakan.

Yanzu abubuwa da dama shi yake yimin kama daga suturata, takalmin sawa da dai sauransu, yanada hakuri sai dai jarababben namiji ne, idan jarabar ta motsa sai ya daina yimin magana. Amma baya daina zuwa wajena hakan ya tabbatar min da cewa Abdussalam yana sona. Yar uwa mai karanta wannan labari na jarababben namiji kiyi sani cewa a yanzu haka inada yara har guda da jarababben namiji, wanda ko da wasa bai taba azabtar dani ba.

Komai yana yi nida yarana bai rage ni da komai ba ko gidansa. Kawai abinda zaki yi idan kin fuskanci mijinki jarababben namiji ne to shine duk lokacin da kika kula yayi fushi to kada ki ƙara tunzura shi duk abinda yace kiyi to kiyi. Amma jarababben namiji yanada hakuri sai idan ai kaishi ne karshe ne yake faɗa kamar ba gobe.

Idan kuma kika ga ba zaki iya zama da jarababben namiji ba, to kada ki soma aure domin da yawa daga cikin mazaje sunada faÉ—a sai dai wani yafi wani, abinda yake kawo faÉ—an kuwa shine nauyin iyali.