Hot romantic hausa novel complete
Hot romantic hausa novel complete referred to as Matar Yaro by Amina Kamal is an engaging and captivating novel that explores themes of love, rivalry, and the complexities of relationships. Referred to as a "Hot Romantic Hausa Novel Complete," it revolves around the lives of Ubaida and Ummu, both of whom are connected to Yusuf, the central character. Ubaida, deeply obsessed with Yusuf, is willing to go to extreme lengths to win his heart, while Ummu faces her own challenges as their wedding approaches.Hot romantic hausa novel complete review
The novel masterfully portrays the emotional struggles, intense jealousy, and the cunning plans of the characters, particularly Ubaida and her mother, Jamila, who plot to prevent Ummu from finding happiness. The story keeps readers on edge with its twists, conflicts, and moments of intense drama.
Amina Kamal’s writing style is fluid, and the vivid descriptions make the characters' emotions come to life. For those who enjoy romance with a hint of suspense, Matar Yaro is a must-read. The novel is an excellent representation of modern Hausa romantic literature, making it a favorite among readers.
Hot romantic hausa novel complete part 1
Since that day, Ubaida stopped all the disrespectful behavior she used to display in the house and instead became very quiet. She didn't go anywhere, staying at home or in her room. Even Jamila found it alarming. Ubaida stopped eating, and the weight of everything going on was overwhelming Jamila. The spell on Alhaji had broken, as he no longer paid any attention to Ubaida. Additionally, Ubaida had developed a deep obsession with Yusuf. Today, as usual, she sat in the living room, resting her chin on her hand, her eyes red, with fresh tears flowing down her cheeks onto her swollen face.
This is the Matar yaro novel we labeled as "Hot Romantic Hausa Novel Complete" for our readers.
Jamila, observing from the balcony, looked at how her daughter had become so different. She began to think about how to help Ubaida, fearing she might do something drastic. Ubaida was her only child, and Jamila started descending from the balcony towards her, despite feeling weak herself.
When she reached Ubaida and sat beside her, Ubaida didn't even notice. It wasn't until she held Ubaida's hand that she startled out of her deep thoughts. "Ubaida, please stop thinking like this. Don't cause trouble for yourself, and don’t drag me into worry. I beg you, stop."
"What do you want me to do? Look at all the things bothering me; I never succeed in anything I put my mind to. Why is that, Mama?" Ubaida asked. Jamila remained silent because she knew the answer would not sit well with Ubaida. She knew Ubaida wouldn’t accept the truth, so she brushed off the topic, saying, "Let's leave this matter for now, and we will find a solution."
Ubaida wiped away her tears and her runny nose before replying, "Mama, Ummu is definitely winning against me. We both want the same thing, but she's always luckier than me. Everything related to Yusuf – I’m certain Yusuf will marry her and she will become his wife." She continued, "Even if they do get married, I don't want them to have children, because that would be a threat to my life." She looked at her mother and said, "Mama, do you have any advice for me to make sure Ummu doesn't have any children at all?"
The story intensified in this hot romantic Hausa novel complete. Jamila shifted in her seat, then said, "There are many ways we can succeed."
Hot romantic hausa novel complete part 2
"What kind of ways, Mama?" Ubaida asked. A sinister smile appeared on Jamila's face. "First of all, we can take her name to a spiritual healer, so that his people can prevent her from having children. And we will also use it against the rest of their family."
"What do you mean, Mama? I don't_understand." mother stood up, pacing around_the_room_before_continuing.
"You_know_their_family_hates drama_and_conflict, and they_easily_trust people."
"Yes, Mama," Ubaida replied. "But how will that help?"
Jamila let out a wicked laugh. "Soon, we will gain their trust so deeply that they will never suspect us. Whatever we do, they won’t blame us." Both Jamila and Ubaida shared an evil laugh and high-fived. "Mama, you're really cunning!" Ubaida said. Jamila replied, "Just wait; you haven’t seen anything yet. I’m just getting started."
Finally, Ubaida felt at ease in the house and returned to her normal activities.
AMARYA UMMU'S TURN She lay down, feeling lost, unsure of what to do as the wedding day drew nearer. Every day, her anxiety grew, and she had no friends to turn to for advice. For the first time, she regretted avoiding friendships in the past, as she believed they led people astray. "Oh_my_God, Ummu, what_should_I_do?" she cried out loud.
From behind, she heard a voice say, "Turn to God and seek His help; He will guide you." It was Yusuf, standing at the door, exuding a fresh scent, dressed in a shiny traditional outfit. Ummu stared at him in awe; he looked so handsome and had an aura about him. Today, she couldn’t bring herself to say the hurtful things she used to tell him. Her body went weak, and she kept staring as he approached and sat beside her.
The romantic Hausa novel continued. The fragrance of his cologne overwhelmed her senses. He smiled and gently stroked her cheek, calling her "my bride."
She wanted to tell him what she usually did, but instead, she nervously played with her hands, which had become soft like a baby’s due to all the treatments they’d undergone. She found his hand and pleaded, "Please, Yusuf, don't do anything to me."
He caressed her cheek again and reassured her, "I won't do anything to you. But if you calm down and stop worrying so much, you will see everything will be fine. Have you noticed how thin you've become? Are you even eating?"
She remained silent in response to his questions. "You're not eating, are you?" he asked again. With a pout, she finally admitted, "No, I'm not."
Hot romantic hausa novel complete part 1
Tun daga wannan rana Ubaida ta daina duk wani rashin mutuncin da takeyi a cikin gidan sai kuma ta koma wata shiru-shiru. Bata zuwa ko wane waje, daga gida sai dai daki ita kanta jamila abin har tsoro yake bata ta daina cin abinci abin duniya duk ya taru ya yiwa jamila yawa, ga sihirin dake jikin alhaji ya karye domin yanzu baya saurararta kwata-kwata gashi kuma Ubaida ta dauki san duniya ta dorawa Yusuf yau ma kamar kullum zaune take a falo ta zabga uban tagumi a gefe guda kuma idanu sunyi jajur ga wasu sabbin hawayen suna sulalowa daga kan fuskarta zuwa kuncinta, fuskar-nan tayi wani luhu-luhu saboda kumburin. Wannan shine matar yaro wanda muka saka masa hot romantic hausa novel complete domin makaranta.
Jamila dake saman bene tana duban yanda diyarta ta zama wata iriya, nan ta shiga tunanin yanda zata shawo kan Ubaidah kar taje wani abun kuma ya sameta, diya daya tilo a fadin duniyar-nan, dan haka ta fara sakkowa daga saman benan zuwa wajen Ubaidah duk da itama jikinta a macen yake.
Hot romantic hausa novel complete 2
Har ta karaso ta zauna kusa amma Ubaida batasan da zuwanta ba, sai da ta ruko hannunta sannan tayi firgigit daga dogon tunanin da take ciki, Ubaida ɗan Allah ki dena wannan tunanin haka kar kije ki samu matsala nima ki saka ni cikin damuwa na rokeki ki dena. Yaya kike so nayi ki duba irin abubuwan da suke damuna kullum bana samun nasara akan abubuwan dana sa a gaba.
Ko meyasa hakan mama? cewar Ubaidah, Shiru jamila tayi domin amsar da zata bayar ba zata yi mata dadi ba, saboda tasan ba zata yarda da abinda zata gaya mata ba, dan haka ta share zancen da cewa yanzu dai mu bar wannan maganar kinji mu nemi mafita.
Ubaida ce ta goge hawayen da suka gangaro mata tareda face majinar hancinta sannan tace "mama tabbas Ummu tana cin nasara a kaina, ni da ita abu daya muke bukata amma sai ta fini samun sa'a. Duk abinda ya danganci Yusuf, tabbas Yusuf zai aureta kuma zata zama matarsa" sannan ta cigaba da cewa koda sunyi aure banason su sami haihuwa domin haka zai iya zama barazana ga rayuwata" ta kalli mahaifiyarta sannan tace mama ko kinada wata shawara da zaki bani domin ganin burina ya cika akan Ummu inaso na hanata haihuwa kwata-kwata. Tofa hot romantic hausa novel complete ya dauki zafi sai da Jamila ta gyara zama ta ɗan muskuta sannan tace akwai hanyoyi da yawa da zamu iya bi. Domin samun nasara a kansu.
Hot romantic hausa novel complete last
Wannan wace irin hanyace mama? Ubaida ta tambaya, wani shu'umin murmushi Jamila tayi sannan tace da farko-dai zamu iya kaiwa malamin tsibbu sunanta domin yasa mutanensa su hana haihuwa na biyu kuma zamu yi amfani dasu kansu sauran yan gidan. Kamarya mama ban gane ba" sai Jamila ta mike tsaye tana zagaye a cikin dakin, saida ta dauki tsawon lokaci kana ta cigaba da cewa.
Amma kin san halin yan gidansu basa son duk wata hayaniya sannan basa son rigima kuma gasu da saurin amincewa da mutane. Eh, haka ne mama cewar Ubaidah to Amma menene amfanin hakan? wata muguwar dariya jamila tayi sannan tace da sannu zamu shiga jikinsu yadda ya kamata ta yanda zasu amince damu. Kinga kome zamu yi baza su zarge mu ba, dariyar mugunta Jamila da Ubaidah suka saki sannan suka tafa, Ubaidah tace gaskiya mama kinsan mugunta, jamila tace ke dai bari damma yanzu nayi sanyi, ai yanzu ba kiga komai ba tukuna. Allah ko mamana, Jamila ta bata amsa da kwarai ma kuwa. Sai yau Ubaida ta saki jikinta a gidan ta dawo normal ta cigaba sabgar gabanta.
Kwance take ta rasa abinyi, ta rasa me zata yi yanzu gashi bikin sai ƙara karatowa yake kullum hankalinta a tashe yake ta rasa yanda zata yi, gashi ita ba ƙawaye ba, ballema ta nemi shawararsu. Sai a yau tayi dana-sanin kin kula kawaye da tayi a rayuwar baya domin gani take suke zuga yara da kuma kai su halaka. Wayyo Allahna ni Ummu ya zanyi" ta fada a fili.
Hot romantic hausa novel complete last
Daga bayanta taji ance ki kama Allah ki kai kukansa gareshi sai kiga ya baki mafita, Yusuf ne a tsaye a bakin kofa sai kamshi yake shadda ce a jikinsa sai sheƙi take tana daukar ido. Baki Ummu ta saki tana kara kare masa kallo yayi kyau sosai ga wani kwarjini da yayi mata, yau ji tai ba zata iya gaya masa mugayen maganganun data saba fada masa ba, gaba daya jikinta ya mutu murus sai binshi take da kallo ƙarasowa kusa da ita yayi sannan ya zauna. hot romantic hausa novel complete na matar yaro ya cigaba. ƙamshin da turarensa yake ya kashe mata jiki" sai daya murmusa sannan ya shafi gefen fuskarta yace amaryata.
ya zata zata fara gaya masa maganganun data saba, amma sai yaga sabanin haka, sai ta kama wasa da hannunta da ya koma kamar na jarirai saboda tsabar irin gyaran da yake sha.
Hannunsa ta lalubo sannan tace dan allah Yusuf kar kamin komai kaji" saida ya shafi fuskanta sannan yace babu abinda zanyi miki amma in kin kwantar da hankali kuma kin daina saka duk wata damuwa a ranki, kin kuwa ga yanda kika rame anya kina cin abin cima Ummu, shiru tayi akan tambayoyin da yake ta jero masa. Ba kyaci ko? ya ƙara jera mata tambayar. sai da ta zunɓuro baki gaba sannan tace Eh bana ci.