Romantic hausa novel complete
Romantic hausa novel Gargadar So by Maman Shakur which is referred as Romantic hausa novel is a gripping story filled with suspense, family drama, and deep emotional moments. The story revolves around a wealthy man and his son, Khaleel, as they navigate the kidnapping of a young girl, Noor. The author, skillfully depicts the pain, love, and desperation experienced by the characters, blending these emotions with themes of power and wealth.
The romantic hausa novel gargadan so keeps readers hooked with its intense plot and well-developed characters, especially Khaleel, who struggles with fear and uncertainty throughout the ordeal. The luxurious setting contrasts sharply with the tension, highlighting the fragility of human emotions, regardless of wealth. Overall, romantic novel Gargadar So is a must-read for fans of Hausa romantic novels, offering both emotional depth and a satisfying conclusion.
English Version
Romantic hausa novel part 1
It was a large living room, and when you entered, you’d think you were inside the villa of a president because of its beauty. The room was filled with luxurious items, including rows of shiny leather chairs and a glass table adorned with various golden decorations. In this living room sat a wealthy man, dressed in fine clothes that sparkled as if they were made from diamonds. This is the story Gargadar So which we have included in the Hausa novels complete documents for readers. The man’s face was creased with worry, clearly showing signs of distress.
The wealthy man was around 68 or 69 years old, and his skin showed signs of aging. But, upon seeing him, you could tell he had long-standing power and wealth. Beside him was another wealthy man, also dressed in elegant clothes, exuding a sense of prestige and money. Additionally, there were two women seated next to them, both around 49 or 50 years old, also wearing exquisite gowns from prestigious international brands. These women, too, displayed wealth and elegance.
Looking at each person seated in the room, you could sense that everyone was in deep worry and distress. No one uttered a word, but by looking at their faces, you could tell that their minds were racing. The ticking of the watch on the older wealthy man's wrist echoed, grabbing everyone’s attention. They all looked up as he slowly raised his head. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, he first cleared his throat, “Uhmm uh’umm,” before quietly starting, "It’s now 72 hours since we delivered the money they demanded, yet they still haven’t released the girl or contacted us."
His words fell in the room like a thunderclap. He sat down quickly, glancing at the woman who was crying in the corner. Even though she was trying to hide her tears, using a tissue to prevent them from showing too much on her face, the woman next to her gently patted her back, comforting her, saying, "Noor is just 4 years old, and it’s now 5 days that she has been in the hands of the kidnappers." This statement further agitated the wealthy man, and he suddenly stood up, like someone who had been shocked, heading hastily toward the door.
Romantic hausa novel part 2
One of the wealthy men beside him quickly stood up and asked, "Where are you going, Your Excellency?" In a rush and clearly distressed, the man continued walking, replying, "I’m going to see Khaleel."
At that moment, security personnel opened a large door for him, revealing a grand exit. He entered another spacious and dim room, equipped with security glass all around. From there, he approached a private elevator that took him to a special room upstairs, where there was nothing but an AC and soft lighting. Entering the room, he tried to steady his breathing and quickly switched on the light. The room’s splendor made you feel as though you were in a world record-setting environment, due to its cleanliness and the meticulous arrangement of everything in an eye-catching style.
In the center of the room, a young man sat on a soft carpet, wearing ash-colored joggers and a white t-shirt, seemingly lost in thought. His back was covered with thick hair, a beautiful and shiny Fulani texture. The wealthy man quickly approached him, kneeling in front of him with concern. He said, "Khaleelu, Khaleel, Son!" But the young man didn’t move. This continued in the Hausa novels complete documents of Gargadar So.
Romantic hausa novel last part
The wealthy man stood, gazing at him with deep concern. He gently shook the young man’s face, speaking softly, "Khaleel, what are you thinking about? Remember, we are in a serious crisis." Slowly, the young man opened his large, beautiful eyes, which resembled those of a young girl, with long lashes and thick brows, radiating a sense of dignity and resilience. His head of hair was thick, with beautiful curls.
The wealthy man sat next to his son, his heart boiling with intense worry. At this moment, the man who had followed the wealthy man earlier stood at the doorway, watching them, realizing the gravity of the situation.
With tenderness, the wealthy man continued to console his son, Khaleel. After some time, he convinced him to eat, and they sat together in the living room.
That night, the household remained in a state of anxiety, waiting for any word from the kidnappers. By Allah’s grace, the girl was safely returned home.
Hausa Version
Romantic hausa novel part 1
Danƙareren falo ne wanda idan ka shiga zaka dauka kamar a cikin villar shugaban ƙasa kake saboda kyawunsa. Falon yana dauke da kayan alatu, sannan ga jerin kujerun fata masu sheki, da teburin gilashi mai dauke da kayan ado na zinariya kala daban-daban. A cikin wannan falo wani babban attajiri yake zaune, sanye da manyan kaya masu haske tamkar an yisu da duwatsun diamonds. Littafin gargadar so kenan wanda muka saka shi a matsayin Hausa novels complete documents domin masu karatu. Fuskar wannan attajiri a shaguɓe, tana nuna alamun damuwa sosai.
Romantic hausa novel so 1
Attajirin yana da kimanin shekaru sittin da takwas 68 zuwa 69, fatar jikinsa ta nuna tsufa, amma kana ganinsa kaga mai alamar dauwamammen mulki da arziki. A gefensa kuma, wani attajiri ne shima sanye da kaya masu kyau da walwali, wani irin daukakar girma da kudi ke bayyana a tattare dashi. Sai kuma wasu mata guda biyu dake zaune kusa dasu, kowacce daga cikinsu tana da shekaru 49 ko 50, sanye suma suke da kayan alfarma, cikakku riguna ne wanda keda kyau da suka fito daga cikin kasashe masu ƙima da daraja a duniya. Suma wannan mata sun bayyana cikin shiga mai kyau da alamar kudi da daraja a tattare dasu.
Kallon kowane daya daga cikin wadanda suke zaune a cikin falon zai baka damar fahimtar cewa kowa na cikin tsananin tashin hankali da damuwa. Ba wanda ya furta wata kalma, amma idan ka kalli fuskar kowanne zaka fahimci akwai abubuwan dake ta kai kawo a cikin zukatansu. Agogon dake daure a hannun attajirin babba yayi ƙara, wannan ya jawo hankalin kowa dake cikin falon. Suna dagowa suna kallonsa yayinda ya dago kansa a hankali. A lokacin ne ya bude bakinsa, kamar zai fara magana, sai gyaran murya ya fara, “Uhmm uh’umm,” sannan ya fara magana a hankali, "Yanzu awanni 72 kenan tun bayan da muka kai kudin da suka bukata, amma har yanzu basu saki yarinyar nan ba, ba kuma su kira mu ba."
Romantic hausa novel (SO) part 2
Maganar tasa ta fadi cikin falo kamar karar tashe. Sai ya zauna da sauri kan kujera yana kallon matar dake kuka a gefe. Duk da haka, matar tayi kokarin boye hawayenta, tana amfani da tissue domin kada su bayyana a fuskarta sosai. Matar dake zaune kusa da ita ta kai hannu tana ɗan bubbuga bayanta a hankali, tana rarrashinta, tace, “Noor tana da shekaru 4 kacal, yanzu kwananta 5 kenan a hannun masu garkuwa da ita.” Wannan magana ta kara tashi zuciyar attajirin, sai kawai ya mike tsaye da sauri, tamkar wanda aka tsikara, ya nufi kofar fita da hanzari. Wani daga cikin attajiran dake gefensa ya mike da sauri yana tambaya, “Ina zaka, Your Excellency?” Da sauri, cikin tashin hankali attajirin ya cigaba da tafiya, yana cewa, “Zan tafi naga Khaleelu.”
A lokacin, wasu securities suka bude masa wata babbar kofa, fitar alfarma ta bayyana, ya shiga wani lafiyayyen falo mai duhu, wanda yake dauke da gilasan tsaro a ko ina. Daga nan ya nufi wata linta dake gefen dakin, ya hau sama zuwa wani daki na musamman da babu komai sai AC da haske mai laushi. Ya shiga dakin yana kokarin daidaita numfashinsa, sannan ya kunna fitilar dakin da sauri. Kyan dakin ya sa mutum yaji kamar a cikin littafin world record yake, saboda tsabtarsa da yadda aka tsara komai cikin wani irin salo mai daukar hankali.
Romantic hausa novel so 2
A tsakiyar dakin, wani matashi ne zaune akan wani lallausan carpet, yana sanye da joggers mai ash color da farar t-shirt, da alama shima cikin tunani yake. Bayansa ya bayyana mai cike da gashi, gashin fulani mai kyau da kyalli. Attajirin ya karasa gareshi da hanzari, ya durkusa a gabansa, cike da damuwa. Yana cewa, “Khaleelu, Khaleel, Son!” Amma matashin baiyi motsi ba. Haka ta cigaba da wakana a wannan Romantic hausa novel na gargadar so.
Attajirin ya tsaya yana kallonsa da yanayin tsananin damuwa a fuskarsa. Da sauri attajirin ya kai hannunsa wajen haban matashin, yana jujjuyashi cikin tattausan murya, yana cewa, “Khaleel, me kake tunani ne? Ka tuna cewa muna cikin matsala mai tsanani.”
Romantic hausa novel last part
Matashin a hankali ya bude idanunsa, idanun masu girma da kyau kamar na yar budurwa, masu dogon gashi da girar gashi mai yawa, cike da kima da juriya. Gashin kansa ma yana da yawa, ya yi curls masu kyau.
Attajirin ya zauna a kusa da yaron, zuciyarsa tana tafarfasa da damuwa mai tsanani. A wannan lokacin, mutumin da yabi attajirin daga baya ya tsaya a bakin kofa yana kallonsu, ya gane cewa wannan lamari na cikin tsananin wahala.
Romantic hausa novel last
Cikin rarrashi wannan attajiri ya cigaba da bawa dansa Khaleel hakuri, bayan ya lallaɓashi sai kuma yace ya tashi su shiga cikin gida, inda ya saka shi a gaba saida yaci abinci sannan suka zauna tare a cikin falon.
Haka wannan gida nasu ya cigaba da zama cikin ƙunci har zuwa dare, suna jiran wani sako daga wajen masu garkuwa, Allah maji rokon bawansa sai gashi a sako yarinya ta tawo gida.