Free hausa novels complete PDF

Free hausa novels complete PDF

Free hausa novels complete PDF

Hi, reader, are you here to read, explore, or download Hausa novels? You are in the right place. Hausa novels are an important part of the rich Hausa culture in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. These novels tell many interesting stories, from love and family life to adventure and drama. They are enjoyed by many audiences, not only in Nigeria but across Africa and around the world.
Best stories to read next 

With the advancement of technology, it has become much easier to find these novels online from websites and blogs for free. You can download them in PDF format and read them anywhere, whether on your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

For many readers around the world, Hausa novels are special because they reflect real life, culture, and values. The characters in these novels face challenges, celebrate joyful moments, and go through dramatic situations. This makes the books feel real and relatable to people from different Hausa backgrounds. In this article, we’ve done our best to list the **free Hausa novels complete** in both text and PDFs for readers. So feel free to read any novel you like or follow the provided link to enjoy the adventure.

The Talented Authors Behind these Hausa Novels;

Do you know? The talented writers behind these novels play a big role in keeping Hausa literature alive. Many of the authors are passionate storytellers who write about real-life challenges, social values of Hausa people, and personal experiences in a simple yet engaging method. Whether they are famous or upcoming writers, they share a common goal of preserving cultural heritage through their writings.

List of Free Hausa Novels Complete in PDF

1. Kuskuren Rayuwa (Life Mistakes)

Summary: Kuskuren Rayuwa is the first Hausa novel on our list. The title in English means "Mistakes of Life." Written by Zee Yabour, a dedicated storyteller with many followers on social media, the novel has gained almost 1 million reads and continues to attract readers. Unfortunately, the PDF version is unavailable due to copyright issues, but we’ve shared a link to read the complete novel.

English Excerpt:  

She came out of the rest room and answered his phone call. 'My love, I'm waiting for you in the guest room,' he said, then hung up before she could reply. She smiled, put on some lotion, sprayed perfume, and wore a hijab that reached her knees. She looked beautiful, her face glowing. She walked to the guest room to meet him.

Hausa Excerpt:  

Fitowarta daga bayan gida kenan tayi picking wayarsa, cewa yayi 'masoyiya ina jiranki a dakin baki,' kafin tace wani abu ya katse wayar. Tayi murmushi, sannan da saurinta ta soma shafa man cream, ta fesa turarenta mai kamshi, sannan ta sanya hijab wanda ya tsaya mata iya gwiwa. Ba karamin kyau tayi ba, ta kama hanyar zuwa dakin baki."

*Read the complete novel here

2. Fetta (The Girl Fetta)

Summary: Fetta is a story about a girl who is an orphan. Despite facing many challenges in her life, she eventually becomes successful and wealthy. This novel, also written by Zee Yabour, is dedicated to her parents. The complete version of the novel is available on Wattpad, and it has gained thousands of views from readers across Nigeria and Africa.

English Excerpt:  

Fetta! Fetta! (Means Fatima in Niger language), she heard her father calling. 'Come out of the rain, I don't want you to get sick,' her father said in Niger Hausa. She continued playing in the rain and pretended not to hear him. After some time, as the rain became lighter, Fetta returned to their room.

Hausa Excerpt:  

Fetta tana wasa a cikin ruwan sama yayinda babanta keta kwala mata kira ta fito daga cikin ruwan domin kada mura ta kamata. Fetta ta cigaba da wasanta kamar bata ji me babanta yace mata ba. Bayan ruwan ya tsagaita, ta nufo dakinsu domin ganin mahaifinta.

*Read the complete novel here 

3. A Soyayyar Mu (In Our Love)

Summary: A Soyayyar Mu is a touching story of two lovers who face challenges in their love life. Written by Hijjart Abdoul, the novel has 51 parts for easy navigation. Readers have shared the novel across social media, contributing to its popularity, with over 8,000 reads in just three months.

English Excerpt:  

The (main character) of the book grows up and finds no women in their house. Their whole life is without a woman. If you see a woman, she’s either a guest or a sister of his father. This is why the neighbors call them the 'house of men.' But suddenly, fate changed everything.

Hausa Excerpt:  

Tauraron wannan labari ya girma yaga gidansu babu mace ko daya a gidansu, rayuwarsu gaba daya babu mata. Idan kaga mace kuwa a gidan to ko wata bakuwar yar uwarsu ce ko kuma kannen mahaifinsa. Wannan dalilin yasa makwabta suke kiran su da gidan gwauraye. Amma kwatsam, kaddara ta canza komai.

*Read the complete novel here 

4. Kalbina (My Heart)

Summary: Kalbina means "My Heart" in English, and it was written by Aysha Sona. This novel has 112 parts and has gained 8.8k votes on Wattpad. Aysha Sona is one of the most famous Hausa novelists, and she dedicated this novel to her children. The novel centers on a romantic relationship between Hibba Abdullahi and a wealthy man.

English Excerpt:  

 "My name is Hibba. I am 22 years old, and I am an orphan. My only guardian in this world is Allah. He alone will take us out of this difficult situation."

Hausa Excerpt:  

Sunana Hibba, shekaruna duka ba zasu fice ashirin da biyu (22) ba. Ba ni da kowa sai kanina, kuma duk duniya gatanmu daya shine Allah. Shi kadai ne zai fitar damu daga wannan halin da muke ciki.

*Read the complete novel here 

5. Zan Soka A Haka (I Will Love You Like That)

Summary: Zan Soka A Haka was posted in June 2020 by the author Queenbk2020. The title means "I will love you like that." The novel is dedicated to the family of Alhaji Muhammad Kisokon Karatu. Despite the author being relatively unknown, the novel has gained attention on Wattpad for its romance and adventure themes.

Hausa Excerpt:  

  "A zaune take kamar yadda ta saba cikin jerin fulanin dake saida da fura-da-nono a kasuwa. Tana sanye da saki fari irin kayan fulani, kuma duk wanda ya kalleta sai ya kara kallonta saboda kyawunta."

*Read the complete novel here 

6. Badakala (Crashes) 

Author: Maryamerh Abdul  

Overview: Badakala tells the story of seven different women navigating life's ups and downs, showcasing their experiences both good and bad. Published in 2021, this novel has gained nearly 7,000 views, reflecting its impact on readers. 

English Excerpt: 

"In the bustling Cubana club located in the Abuja, the atmosphere is filled with luxury vehicles. Among them, a brand new, tinted Mercedes Benz pulls up, raising curiosity. Who could be inside? You can find the answer if you read the story."

Hausa Excerpt: 

"Katafaren wajen shakatawa na Cubana dake cikin birnin Abuja. A cike yake da manya manyan motoci da ababen hawa iri iri kala kala daban. Irin motoci ne da ake kira na alfarma domin wasu motocin a manne suke da kasa, sai ka rasa taya suke iya tafiya a kasa ba tareda sun gogi kasa ba..."

*Read the complete novel here 

Additional Free Hausa Novels to Explore:

Here’s a further list of free Hausa novels complete in PDF for you to explore:

7. Mai Sona Ko Zabina (My Love) 

8. Makauniyar Hanya (Blind Way)  

9. Bakar Aya (Black Pit)  

10. Matar Uba (Stepmother)  

11. Nabeela (The Girl Nabeela)  

12. Masifaffen Namiji (Hot Man)

15. Ta Fita Zakka (The Best One) 

16. Jarrabar Rayuwa (Life Situations)

*Search the title of the book here


You can explore the free Hausa novels complete that we’ve listed above and enjoy a rich reading experience. These novels offer a fantastic way to dive into the heart of Nigerian storytelling. Whether you are a lover of romance, adventure, or stories that reflect everyday life, these novels provide everything you need. Thanks to the dedication of authors like Maryamerh Abdul, Queenbk2020, and others, Hausa literature continues to thrive.