Best romance hausa novels

Reviews of the best romance hausa novels

Best romance hausa novels

Welcome back! In today's post, we will list the best romance Hausa novels that people, especially Hausa readers, commonly read. To help you find ones you will enjoy, we have compiled the most-read novels based on the year they were published and the most highly rated authors. Some of the books can be found online by visiting Hausa novel blogs, while others are available in the market. If you're here to clear your mind, find joy, or experience adventure, romance, and love, we are happy to say you've come to the right place at the right time. We now live in a generation where every Hausa novel you are looking for can easily be found on the internet. YouTube plays an important role in providing these novels; even though the platform itself does not publish the content, Hausa novel YouTubers upload them and engage millions of people. Additionally, novel bloggers like us are doing great work to provide you with the best romance Hausa novels. Not only that, but there are also many novels like adventure stories (littattafan yaki), self-help books (koyi da kanka), and many more. 

This special review is for you 

Let's introduce you to the recommended Hausa romance novels to read. This article lists the title of each novel and provides an excerpt in both English and Hausa. After the review, we provide you with a link that will take you directly to where you can find and read the novel.

Diyar fari (First born)

The author Zubee Fly wrote one of the best romance Hausa novels, titled Diyar Fari, which means First Born Daughter. This book highlights the life of a girl as the firstborn in her family and how she tolerates and endures various life challenges in order to achieve a better life. Even though some of the habits of the daughter, whose name is Raeesah, are bad, the way she lived her life was difficult, especially due to the way people treated her. The fault isn't hers but her parents'.

English Excerpt:

Why are you shouting at me?" said the mother. We are talking and  you're also talking back to me. You're really stubborn. I swear you're going to get beaten if you don't stop."

The woman sitting replied, "Hadiza, I swear I won't forgive you. You're the one who ruined Raeesa. Oh Yakumbo Salma, is that what you're going to say? Well, that's fine." Tears started to flow from Hadiza's eyes, who was already used to crying. Then Yakumbo Salma said, "Hadiza, I'm not saying this to upset you or make you cry, but this girl is really beyond our control! We really need to be serious about disciplining her," said Yakumbo Salma. Hadiza replied, "Yakumbo, what am I going to do with Raeesah? Her father already ruined her, and now she's getting older and things are getting worse. Sometimes when I tell Raeesah to do something, she doesn't listen, so I have to hit her before she does it." She said this while pointing at Raeesah, who was staring blankly, listening to everything they were discussing about her. Hadiza said, "Go away and go to Islamic school or I'll beat you up, you stubborn girl." Raeesah: "Oh, Maman Hauwa, you know I don't know I don't have tajweed, and you said you'd buy me a."

Hadiza: "Didn't we buy one last week? I'm not going to buy another one. Raeesah: "Maman Hauwa!!!" Before she could finish speaking...

Hausa Excerpt:

Yana da kyau mu kawo muku kadan daga wannan best romance hausa novel 'Baza kiyi mana shiru ba? cewar mama ana magana kina magana kema? fitsararriya wallahi ranki yanzu zai baci idan ba kiyi shiru ba.

Matar dake zaune tace Hadiza wallahi ko kaffara ba zanyi ba, kece kika lalata Raeesah, au yakumbo salma haka zaki ce? Toh babu komai, hawaye ne ya fara zubowa daga idanuwan Hadiza wacce dama kuka baya mata wahalar yi. Chan sai yakumbo salma tace Hadiza ba wai na gaya miki haka bane domin na saka ki bakin ciki har koyi kuka, amma tabbas yarinyar nan tana so tafi karfinmu! wallahi sai anyi da gaske kafin a gyara ta inji yakumbo salma. Hadiza tace to yakumbo yaya zanyi da Raeesah. wacce tun farko mahaifinta ya gama lalata ta, kuma gashi yanzu ta soma zama babba kuma abin babu sai ƙara gaba yake. Ni kaina idan nace Raeesah tayimin abu ba tayi wani lokacin sai na dura mata ashar kafin take yin abun, haka ta fada tareda nuna Raeesah da hannu, wacce tayi tsuru tsuru da ido tana jin duk abinda suke tattaunawa a kanta. Hadiza cewa tayi ki wuce ki tafi islamiyya idan ba so kike sai na saɓar miki ba, fitsararriya kawai. Raeesah: To maman hauwa wallahi kin san dai banida tajweedi kuma kince zaki bani na siya.

Hadiza: wai ba satin daya wuce aka siya ba toh ba zan kara bayar da kuÉ—i a siya wani ba Raeesah: maman hauwa!!! kafin tayi magana...

Read the complete novel here 


Jalilah is a painful love story written by Ayusher Muhd. The book tells the story of love between two individuals who are deeply immersed in an ocean of love. Despite the struggles and hardships they face, the author provides a well-written story that captures the attention of many readers. Jalilah is the name of the main character of this best romance hausa novel.

English Excerpt:

She quickly came out of the bathroom without even bothering to sit down and apply any cream. She put on her clothes, hung her bag, picked up her sandals, and headed for the door. Her mother, Goggo, said, "Jalila, haven't you eaten breakfast?" Jalilah, while putting on her shoes, replied, "Goggo, forget about that food. If Safeenah's driver leaves, I'll be the only one left behind. I know the kind of journey I'll have, and if I delay, I'll be late for school."She finished putting on her sandals and quickly left. Goggo quickly handed her 20 Naira and said, "Take this so you can buy something to eat when you get there." Jalilah took it and quickly left.When she got to the car, it was already leaving the house. She ran to the gate, but they had already gone.Her eyes widened as she tried to see if they had seen her through the car mirror."

Hausa Excerpt:

Da sauri ta fito daga bayan gida ko mai shafawa bata zauna shafawa ba ta saka kayanta, sannan ta rataya jakarta ta dauko safa a hannu ta nufi hanyar fita, Goggo mamanta tace "Jalila ko karin kumallo ba kiyi bafa?" Jalilah tana kokarin saka takalmi tace "Goggo manta da abincin nan idan direban su Safeenah ya tafi, ni kadai nasan irin tafiyar da zan sha, idan kuma na tsaya wasa duka hanci in naje makarantar."

Ta fada tareda gama saka sandal a kafarta, Goggo cikin sauri ta miko mata Naira 20 tace "Karbi wannan in kinje kya samu wani abu ki siya kici." Jalilah tasa hannu ta karba tareda yin waje da sauri. Tana zuwa motar na fita daga gidan da gudu ta karasa hanyar kofar sai dai kafin ta karasa sunyi gaba.

Idanuwanta ne suka cicciko domin ta tabbatar sun ganta ko ta madubin motar ne...... Wannan shine kadan daga cikin littafin best romance hausa novels mai suna jalilah.

Read the complete novel here 

Tawa kaddarar kenan (My own fate)

Tawa Kaddarar Kenan is one of the best romance Hausa novels, which means My Own Fate, and it was written by Ayeesh Cucu. The story is based on a girl named Safeenah Aliyu Sardauna. The author, who goes by Chuchunku, dedicated the book to her followers and encouraged them to engage. Her followers actively engaged with the novel and shared it on many online platforms. This novel was published in 2019 and became one of the highest-rated books.

English Excerpt:

She woke up with a sudden, heavy sigh, as if she had just finished a long race. Then, she tensed her whole body, as if she had just been told that a part of her was going to be cut off.

In a panic, she sat up and exclaimed, "Sufficient for us is Allah, and He is the best Disposer of affairs." She then sat on the bed, holding her head, which felt like it was about to burst. Although she was used to having such dreams, she still couldn't get used to the feelings left with. Many times, she regretted living on Earth. Slowly, she got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face and try to regain her strength.

Hausa Excerpt:

Bacci take tana sakin wani haki cikin sauri tamkar wacce tayi tseren gudu. A hankali kuma ta dunkule gaba daya ilahirin jikinta waje guda tamkar anyi mata bushara da cewa za'a yanki wani bangare na jikinta. Cikin firgici ta tashi tareda furta "Hasbunallahu_wa_ni'imal wakeel". Sannan ta zauna akan gadon tareda dafe kanta da hannu, wanda ke mata barazanar tarwatsewa. Idan akwai sabo ta saba da irin kalar wannan mafarkai, amma har yanzu ta kasa sabawa da irin yanayin data samu kanta a ciki. Sau da dama ta kanyi nadamar kasancewar rayuwarta a doron kasa.

A hankali kuma ta tashi ta shige ban-daki domin watsa ruwa ko taji karfin jikin nata da yayi mata lakwas. Wannan shima na daga cikin best romance hausa novels ka karanta domin tabbatarwa.

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Auren fari (First marriage)

Auren Fari is highly rated by many readers. The title, Auren Fari, which is in Hausa, means First Marriage in English, and it was published by Meena Slimzy. The author is one of the best storytellers in the northern region and has played a significant role in writing well-crafted novels. The novel involves themes of love and the struggles that come with it.

English Excerpt:

There were beautiful white chairs with a small center table that looked like a stool in front of them in the courtyard of the house, along with a medium-sized laptop placed on the center table that resembled a stool. His face showed no sign of cheerfulness, not even a hint of a smile. She was chatting away enthusiastically, but his attention wasn’t on her at all; he didn’t even know she was talking. Only his hands were moving, typing on the laptop keyboard, indicating that he was working on something very important.

“Sweetheart, do you know that when I went home, Umma said I looked really good, except that I’ve lost a bit of weight? Could it be that I’m pregnant?” She finished her statement excitedly, but her husband didn’t even look at her and continued typing . By now, her heart started to burn with frustration. A bitter feeling welled up inside her, choking her with emotion. She looked at herself and then at her outfit, which was giving off a sweet fragrance, but he wasn’t paying her any attention. When would she ever impress him? When would he start seeing her as capable of capturing her husband’s attention? She sighed inwardly. Her eyes instantly changed color, and she swallowed the dryness in her mouth caused by sheer anger. She thought about getting up to leave and returning to the parlor to calm down, but she refused to leave until she let out what was in her heart, even though he was already used to such conversations...

Hausa Excerpt:

Fararen kujeru ne masu kyau da É—an karamin centre table me kamar stool a gabansu a harabar gidan kuma da na'urar laptop me dan girma haka akan centre table me kama da stool, gaba daya fuskarsa babu alamun walwala, babu alamar fara'a ko kadan, hira take ta faman zuba masa amma sam-sam hankalinsa ba a kanta yake ba, be ma san tana yi ba hannuwansa ne kawai ke motsi wajen danna keyboard din laptop, da alama aiki yake yi mai matukar muhimmanci "sweetheart kasan kuwa da naje gida umma cewa tayi wai nayi kyau sosai abina sai dai kuma na É—an rame, ko dai ciki gareni? ... "haka ta karasa maganarta cikin nishadi ko dubanta beyi ba, ya cigaba da abinda ke gabansa, zuwa yanzu zuciyarta ta soma harzuka ta fara tafasa, wani bakin ciki ne ya taso ya tokare mata zuciya, kallon jikinta tayi sannan ta kalli suturar dake jikinta da yanda take zuba daddadan kamshi amma sam, baya bi ko ta kanta, wai har yaushe ne zata soma burgesa? har yaushe ne zai dauketa ta iya jan hankalin mijinta?.. tsaki ta saki cikin zuciyarta, nan da nan idanuwanta suka canja kala ta hadiyi miyau da ya bushe a cikin bakinta saboda tsabar bacin rai, niyyar mikewa tayi domin tabar wajen ta koma parlor tayi kallonta amma ba zata bar wajen ba, har saita amayar da abinda ke ranta, duk da in dai irin wadannan maganganun ne har sun saba.

Read the complete novel here 

Yaya nane ko Mijina (Is he my elder or husband)

This is another excellent romance Hausa novel that focuses on love and adventure. The title of the novel was created by the author Safnah Jawabi, and it is based on a true story, as stated by the writer. The novel was published in 2018 on various online platforms, including blogs, social media, and YouTube. The author dedicated her work to her family and friends. Our attention was drawn to this book by readers who felt it should be included in this list.

English Excerpt:

Within a few minutes, she had finished collecting them all and placed each one in its proper place. As she stood up, their eyes met, and they both smiled. She said, "Aunty, look, I've finally finished!""Thank goodness. I was waiting for you to say you were done, because I know he's on his way back now. Go inside and take a bath, then come and eat.""Okay, Aunty, just give me about ten minutes.""Go on, I'll give you thirty minutes." Before she could finish her sentence, she went to her room, splashed some water on her face, and closed her eyes, her heart filled with anxiety about what she would find when her brother returned.Within a few minutes, she was ready.She didn't do anything special, but she looked very beautiful. She wore a sewn gown and a hijab. As soon as she came out, she made eye contact with her brother, who was eating. She knelt down and greeted him, then went to the kitchen to get food and sat down to eat."

Hausa Excerpt:

Cikin sauri ta tsugunna take harhada littattafan dake zube a tsakar dakin, cikin mintina kadan, duk ta gama kwashe su , ta ajiye kowanne a wajen zamanshi, tana fitowa suka hada idanu, lokaci daya kuwa suka sakarwa junansu wani murmushi. Tace "aunty kin gani sai yanzu na gama ko.

"Nagode Allah dama jira nake naji kince kin gama, domin yanzu duk inda yake nasan tabbas yana kan hanya dawowa, sai ki shiga ciki kiyi wanka sannan ki zo ki ci abinci. To aunty bani minti kamar goma. Jeki na baki minti talatin ma. Ai kuwa bata jira ta gama maganarta ba, ta nufi dakinta, ta sakarwa kanta ruwa tana lumshe idanu zuciyarta cike da fargabar abinda zata tarar agun yayanta. Cikin yan mintuna har ta gama shiri.

Ba wani kwaliya tayi ba, amma tayi kyau sosai ta saka riga da zani na dinkin atamfa sannan ta dauko hijabinta, har kasa sannan ta fito. Ai kuwa tana fitowa suka hada idanu hudu da ya'yan nata, yana cin abinci." ta tsugunna har kasa ta gaishe shi, sannan ta tafi kitchen ta dauko abinci ta zauna tana ci.

Based on the ratings from readers across various platforms, we have gathered the best romance Hausa novels for you. Stay with us to discover more Hausa novels for your future reading. Feel free to leave a comment about what you'd like us to write about in the next article. Bye!

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